Looking at the OPTICS: bureaucrats picking winners and losers

there are some parallels between the current COVID-19 pandemic and the issue of chronic pain community and the substance abuse community. Today the CDC came out with the lethality of the COVID-19 virus is abt 0.3%.   Which is a similar percent (0.6%) of the number of chronic pain pts that are at risk of becoming […]

Rx financial assistance: search engine for many of the patient assistance resources that the biopharmaceutical industry offers.

https://medicineassistancetool.org/ Worried About Affording Your Medicine? MAT is Here to Help. You have enough to worry about right now. Figuring out how to pay for your prescriptions shouldn’t be another stressor. For decades, PhRMA has been committed to advocating for policies that help patients access the medicines they need, but today, America’s biopharmaceutical companies are […]

Help in paying for medications or copays that you can’t afford

https://www.pfizerrxpathways.com/ Find Assistance That’s Right for You Pfizer RxPathways connects eligible patients to a range of assistance programs that offer insurance support, co-pay help,* and medicines for free or at a savings.† Enter the name of the medicine you’ve been prescribed. You can search one medicine at a time. Then answer a few questions to […]

When you are a hammer … everything looks like a nail


Bay County’s opioid epidemic turns to fentanyl

For those of you who are unfamiliar with BAY COUNTY in FL.. it contains the infamous PANAMA CITY BEACH… historically has been referred to as the “Red Neck Rivera “. We have owned a condo at the beach since 1994, so we are pretty familiar with the area. Most of the “problem people” live over […]

Abbott’s Virus Test Has Potential Accuracy Issues, FDA Warns

Abbott’s Virus Test Has Potential Accuracy Issues, FDA Warns https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-15/abbott-coronavirus-test-has-potential-accuracy-issues-fda-warns An Abbott Laboratories Covid-19 test has potential accuracy issues, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned, citing a number of studies that have raised doubts about the product’s precision when used to quickly diagnose patients. The FDA issued a public alert Thursday evening, saying that […]

Could COVID-19 shelter in place have some “good” unintended consequences for the community ?

Since the CDC opiate dosing guidelines were published in early 2016… a lot of chronic pain pts – especially those with intractable pain – have been forced to “shelter in place” … which is really forcing  them to become house/chair/bed confined. It is now being talked about in the media about this sheltering in place […]

Remdesivir: “Not a panacea” or a “cure-all” – back to the drawing board

Remdesivir Data from NIAID Trial Published “Not a panacea” or a “cure-all,” expert cautions https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/86670 Peer-reviewed findings were published late Friday from one of the key trials of remdesivir, perhaps the most promising antiviral agent for COVID-19, confirming and extending topline results announced a month ago via press release. Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who received […]

Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed: COVID-19 getting back to normal with control plans

https://youtu.be/eLMZoXfnY_I COVID-19 getting back to normal with control plans Nobody should resume their work, going back to school, or reopening without a written control plan.  

TENN: KENT MORRELL FOR SENATE 2020 – chronic pain pt … running for political office

TENN: KENT MORRELL FOR SENATE 2020 https://www.kentmorrell2020.com/ Why I’m Running for Senate “A house divided against itself ​cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln quoting Mark 3:25Our country is painfully divided along every conceivable fault line. We do not have much time to right our ship. I am running for U.S. Senate to help bring about the sea change […]