anonymous comments from the rank and file !

Yes. I hate Rite aid in ways unimaginable. They are literally killing us with staff hour cuts and demands. And I have no doubt that our patients (ahem) will soon be noticing the “side effects ” of the way that this company is pleasing their investors. Bastards

Guest commentaries welcomed – even anonymously

Have something on  your mind that you want to get off your chest?  Post it on my blog Topic has to be healthcare related ..No names needed – to protect the guilty !

Are PBM’s keeping monies recouped from audits?

This is a press release from NCPA (National Community Pharmacist Association) While Part D pharmacy audits are necessary to detect fraud and abuse, PBMs are abusing this process by singling out expensive drugs and targeting typographical errors in order to recoup significant amounts of money that are in turn not turned over to the Medicare […]

Could this apply to chain RPH’s ? From the article: The justices made the 5-4 ruling as it threw out Maetta Vance’s appeal. At issue was whether to be considered a supervisor, a person must be able to hire and fire people. That’s what the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said while hearing a complaint from Vance, who says she was […]

Life, Liberty & pursuit of happiness !

Our Founding Fathers put this into our Constitution.. initially those were pretty broad/vague rights. In the ensuing nearly 240 years, the bureaucrats that our society has elected have seemingly placed more and more restrictions on those “entitlements”. Some bureaucrats – like Mayor Bloomberg of New York City has tried to place limits on salt, the […]

Is there a inter-disciplinary feud starting?

The AMA recently came out at their annual convention with the statement: Issued a warning against “inappropriate inquiries” from pharmacies to verify the medical rationale behind prescriptions and diagnoses, calling them an unwarranted interference with the practice of medicine. Anyone with some common sense and paying attention – DEA agents must be excused from […]

Health Insurers Improve Claims Processing From the article: The percentage of claims incorrectly processed by health plans fell for the third straight year to 7.1% in 2013, according to the American Medical Association (AMA). The error rate of commercial health plans in the National Health Insurer Report Card has dropped significantly since the 2011; that year, the report found […]

Kroger cuts checkout time to win shoppers From the article: Cincinnati-based Kroger is touting a new number it says is winning shoppers and adding to the grocer’s bottom line: A wait of just 26 seconds to start in the checkout lane, down from 4 minutes a few years ago. By year’s end, the nation’s largest grocer expects to complete the installation […]

AMA warns RPH’s about inappropriate inquiries about pain med prescribing

This is a excerpt from the AMA website Issued a warning against “inappropriate inquiries” from pharmacies to verify the medical rationale behind prescriptions and diagnoses, calling them an unwarranted interference with the practice of medicine. I am not sure that this is the same/similar diversionary tactic that a magician uses… direct your attention away […]

Pocket change ?

CVS to Pay $11 Million to Settle Civil Penalty Claims Involving Violations of Controlled Substances Act According to the article, this involved only CVS stores in Oklahoma According to this   Shows that CVS net profit is 3.88 Billion/yr or ~ 10 million a day.. so this fine.. amounts to ~ ONE DAY’S […]