How long before someone tries to rob this pharmacy again ?

From the article:

An attempt to rob a Madera pharmacy of cough medicine Tuesday night ignited a short but deadly gunfight between a gang member and a store owner who is a competitive pistol shooter.

Police Chief Steve Frazier said Thursday that it appeared the store owner, Bryan Lee, had little choice but to return fire when Aquilla Bailey, 31, burst into the Almond Avenue Pharmacy firing a .45 caliber Smith & Wesson pistol at Lee and his mother, Sophie. Lee, an Army veteran, returned fire with a 1911-model Colt .45.

Frazier said Bailey shot six or seven times, with one round hitting Sophie Lee in the leg. Lee fired five back, mortally wounding Bailey and also apparently shooting Bailey’s fellow Dogpound gang member Jonte Harris, 27, twice in the leg.

At least, this is the owner of the pharmacy.. or he would have probably been fired…  and probably killed by the robber…but the corporate employer would have had video of the person.. and hopefully would have caught them.. of course,  nearly 50% of such crimes goes unsolved…

I am not holding my breathe, waiting on the major main stream media to report this… they seem to be too busy … trying to keep guns out of legal citizens’ hands.

One Response

  1. This story will not be picked up by the main news media because it goes against the media’s bias toward gun control. Has anyone asked the question as to whether there would be less robberies and killings if at least one store employee carried a gun and was well trained on how to use it? And, of course, if Mr. Lee was working for a chain, he would now be unemployed.

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