Charging Prescriber & Pharmacist for illegally providing opioids – just a matter of NUMBERS

This ~ 40 minute video showed up in my email inbox and very informative information provided by two attorneys. Describing how they “track down” – per their criteria that is all about “numbers” and “data mining”.. your basic data “fishing expedition” in the state’s PDMP.

According to the first attorney in the video,  “they” were using the MME system as absolute to level the playing field of various opioids being prescribed. It would appear that prescribing a pt > 90 MME/day appeared to be a “pretty hard line” as being a huge red flag of prescribing “too much” & opioids without a valid medical necessity.

Of course, no mention of the pt’s pharmacogenomic metabolism tests, consideration if the pt had multiple disease issues, that were each a pain generator. It also appeared that a pt being prescribed  concurrently a opioid, benzodiazepine & muscle relaxant was a “do not cross line”.  \

The attorney reviewing what is considered suspicious activities of a pharmacy. One being when a pt is dealing with palliative care and/or cancer and PICK THEIR OWN PRESCRIPTION UP!

Maybe what these two attorney put forth about “illegal controlled meds prescribing/dispensing” might suggest why the SCOTUS in June ,2022 ruled ( 9-0 vote) in the Ruan/Kahn case that the DEA could not use objective criteria when evaluating a prescribing when treating pts dealing with subjective disease(s).

One Response

  1. What an excellent article on how to completely degrade the entire medical & pharmaceutical degree by the little power these ignorant, arrogant men have. David Abraham actually says that someone who goes to med school and gets a license to be a Dr, is pretending to be a Dr. During that whole video, they do not once care about the patients, or medical professionals. Did they ever think that a palliative care patient picking up their own meds, may be on their own? Are these men really lawyers, or are they pretending to be?

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