What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas !

I received a phone call from the  producer for this series of investigative reports in Las Vegas on how chronic pain patients are being ABUSED by Pharmacies/Pharmacists in the area.. This station has done FIVE STORIES this year on this very issue … PART 1 http://www.jrn.com/ktnv/news/contact-13/contact-13-investigates/Locals-in-need-of-prescription-medications-being-turned-away-240035271.html PART 2 http://www.jrn.com/ktnv/news/contact-13/contact-13-investigates/Preview-Patients-struggling-to-fill-medications-243393411.html PART 3 http://www.jrn.com/ktnv/news/contact-13/contact-13-investigates/Preview-Local-pharmacies-refusing-to-fill-prescriptions-256594781.html PART 4 http://www.jrn.com/ktnv/news/contact-13/contact-13-investigates/Pharmacy-checklist-questions-prescriptions-256746291.html […]

How do some of you sleep at night ?

Cancer patients being denied medications by pharmacists http://www.jrn.com/ktnv/news/contact-13/contact-13-investigates/Patients-being-denied-medications-259444711.html From the article: When it comes to denying legitimate patients their prescribed pain meds, how far is too far? Contact 13 has uncovered another group of patients in critical need. One cancer patient was denied her pain medication shortly before she died. The couple loved to travel […]

Time to push back ?

Here is a white house petition just started … to push back against the DEA’s abusive tactics https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/stop-punishing-legitimate-pain-patients-little-or-no-access-pain-medications/z71GG5F8 Stop punishing legitimate pain patients with little or no access to pain medications. Many pain patients, nationwide, are suffering. Suffering from the hands of an agency sworn to protect them. Patients nationwide suffering from debilitating ailments such […]

Paranoia or Greed ?

I have exchanged emails with this particular chronic pain pts for a few years.. This pt has had adequate pain management on a opiate.. although the dose is quite high.. the dose has been fairly level for years. This pt is 50 something y/o, has been on opiate therapy for a couple of decades and […]

Ethics… What Ethics ?

Why Don’t Pharmacy Groups Condemn Lethal Injection Role? http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidkroll/2014/05/14/why-dont-pharmacy-groups-condemn-practitioner-role-in-lethal-injection/?ss=business From the article: Professional pharmacy organizations and their membership view the profession differently from those of medicine, nursing, public health, and emergency medical technicians and paramedics. Medicine and the other allied health professions have established codes of conduct that condemn any active involvement or facilitation of execution […]

Another “death by drug” the DEA won’t be issuing a press release on

Rite Aid, East Lansing shooting victims identified http://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/index.ssf/2014/05/lansing_east_lansing_police_co.html In less than ONE MONTH.. two RPH’s have been shot/killed in a pharmacy. “Death by drug” the DEA won’t count ? From the article: Police identified the victims in Monday’s double shooting as Rite Aid pharmacist Michael Addo, 35, of Mason, and East Lansing resident Jordan Daniel Rogers, 27. […]

Playing with fire ?

Avoiding Pharmacy Errors http://consumer.healthday.com/encyclopedia/drug-center-16/misc-drugs-news-218/avoiding-pharmacy-errors-646512.html From the article: When pharmacists are asked to work long hours under grueling pressure, mistakes happen. And although many errors are minor, some of them can be extremely grave. The pharmacist who made the mistake, investigators discovered, was at the end of a 12-hour shift — and a 60-hour work week. […]

The Shots Were Fired in a Consultation Room

Shooting Inside Lansing, Michigan Rite Aid http://www.heavy.com/news/2014/05/rite-aid-shooting-lansing-michigan/ From the article: Two people have been killed after string of shootings that began in a Rite Aid in Lansing, Michigan, reports Fox 17. The gunfire erupted at 11:06 a.m. The store is located less than four miles from Michigan State University. The victim in the Rite Aid […]

Just because !

Are insurance companies discriminating against the very ill ?

Advocates seek to curb patient bills for specialty drugs http://www.scpr.org/news/2014/05/08/44067/advocates-seek-to-curb-patient-bills-for-specialty/ From the article: The advocates’ letter states that California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act (Section 51 of the Civil Code) specifies that all people must be treated equally regardless of their “disability, [or] medical condition.” The groups want California’s insurance commissioner, Dave Jones, to investigate a pricing […]