Does this sound like a “death panel” ?

How To Get Paid for Planning Your Death From the article: Republican Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn is hoping to change. His strategy? Pay people $75 to write one. He recently introduced the Medicare Choices Empowerment and Protection Act, which would give seniors cash for putting in writing what they want to happen if they […]

Do we need another level of bureauracy & paper shuffling ?

URAC Announces New Accreditation for Community Pharmacies Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 CVS/pharmacy First to Seek Community Pharmacy Accreditation  Washington, DC, May 6, 2014 ― URAC, a leader in promoting healthcare quality, has announced the launch of its new accreditation program, Community Pharmacy. As healthcare reform reshapes the healthcare industry, demand is increasing for quality improvement […]

Pain Expert claims medical training a disaster

John Loeser, MD, on the ‘Disaster’ of Pain Education From the article: “Education for pain medicine is nothing short of a disaster in American medical schools today,” says John Loeser, MD, at the American Pain Society 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting, held April 30, 2014, to May 3, 2014, in Tampa, FL. He explains this […]

Mexican Manufacturing – Maquiladora Manufacturing Services in Baja, Mexico

Consumers іn thе United States spend аlmоѕt seven trillion dollars еасh year оn consumer goods. In order tо tap іntо thіѕ lucrative market, mаnу major companies manufacture thеіr products іn exotic locales ѕuсh аѕ China, India, оr оthеr Asian nations duе tо thеіr cheap labor аnd lax trade restrictions. Unfortunately, fеw оf thе industries thаt […]

MASS will just not give up Zohydro hysteria ACT-2

State Orders More Restrictions for Painkiller From the article: BOSTON (AP) — Massachusetts is taking additional steps to restrict use of Zohydro, a new prescription painkiller, amid concerns over potential abuse. State Public Health Commissioner Cheryl Bartlett confirmed Wednesday that the dentistry and pharmacy boards have approved new regulations governing how the hydrocodone-based narcotic […]

Rumor on the street 05/07/14

It would appear that a certain drug chain/PBM is writing up employees months after a incident.. and writing up employees that failed to show up for their scheduled shift.. because they had been rushed to the hospital and was in intensive care… among other reasons.. can you say E.E.O.C. ?

Is this is why DEA is going after pharmacies/wholesalers ?

Indictments say 4 alleged drug dealers kidnapped, tortured people after Minnesota meth theft From the article: MINNEAPOLIS –  Four men have been indicted in Minnesota on federal charges alleging that they kidnapped and tortured two men they suspected of stealing drugs and money from a so-called stash house in St. Paul. Court papers say […]

Are you being brainwashed ?

How the Corporate Media and Journalists Perpetuate Lies and Misinformation About Drugs From the article: Journalists are no less likely to take drugs than anyone else—indeed, in my admittedly anecdotal experience, they’re more likely to use. You’d think that this would make us especially skeptical both about federal policies that failed to prevent our own drug-taking […]

Is this where it all started ?

I can remember this commercial quite well… At the time, our daughter was just entering her teen years.. you know.. where anything a parent does/says… embarrasses the hell out of them ! I use to sing along with the commercial… hold the pickle .. hold the lettuce … NAKED BURGERS DON’T UPSET US … I […]

More of the same… From the article: It’s estimated 7,000 people die each year because of medication mistakes. That’s why the executive director of the Idaho Board of Pharmacy, Mark Johnston, knows the board’s role is especially important in our community. The board serves as the judge and jury for customer complaints. “Mistakes are few and far between, […]