When a Pharmacist – SAYS NO – and it is probably a LIE

I am having an issue getting a narcotic prescription filled by all my local pharmacies.  I am aware that my physician faced an issue w (i believe) medicaid fraud, but as far as i can tell, the issue was in reference to his improper billing practices and NOT anything like writing false/unnecessary prescriptions.  Obviously, he has some ethical issues attached to his name, however if he is legally permitted to write these prescriptions, i think the pharmacists are not only violating my rights, but they are endangering my health at this point.
I had been taking the same medication for several years, getting it filled by the same pharmacy, so it is not an issue of the pharmacist having any need to question my use of this medication at this dosage.  The issue arose when my previous doctor stopped treating pain mgmt patients and i had to find a new doctor. The pharm simply indicates that this doctor (Dr. Feit) is “red flagged” in the system (whatever that means).  She also told me last week that he is not legally permitted to be writing prescriptions and that i could be in trouble for attempting to fill it.  I don’t know if any of this is true and the once very cordial relationship that we had has now become strained  due to her insinuation that i am committing a criminal act by struggling to function w substantiated long term chronic pain.
This has become a very serious issue at this time as i am almost completely out of medication.  Finding another MD immediately is not a simple solution.  And while i am attempting to do so, it is extremely difficult to locate a pain mgmt physician to treat anything other than back pain.
If u could provide me w any information on whether my physician is, in fact, legally permitted to write narcotic prescriptions and if the pharmacists are violating my rights under ADA, i would truly
appreciate it. 
This is what I wrote back to this pt and suggest that she does:

  I would ask your doc for a copy of his/her FED & state DEA license… presuming that it is current… he/she should have the legal right to prescribe C-II’s….  The pharmacist should have the ability to check if your doc has a current/valid DEA license on line. I would make sure that your doc is well aware of what the local pharmacies are doing and have basically BLACK BALLED his controlled Rxs… he may have something to say about that …  I am aware that CVS had black balled some doc in some areas in the past and they have been sued over that action.

I am sure that you are not the only pt that is getting this treatment on Rx written by this doc…  doc may want to help all his pts contact a civil rights attorney and jointly file a civil right discrimination lawsuit against these two pharmacies.  Might cause things get back to some sort of normalize pretty quick ….  here is a pain clinic that discriminated about accepting a pt and fined $30,000…  https://www.pharmaciststeve.com/pain-never-killed-anyone-denial-of-care-most-definitely/

I would ask the pharmacist to provide documentation of what entity that has RED FLAGGED the prescriber…  if she won’t/can’t furnish it… then she – or the pharmacy that she works for has established a RED FLAG…

Since the two pharmacies that you have listed appears to be independent pharmacies – is the pharmacist that you are dealing with the owner or an employee – if employee – I would talk to the owner – he/she might not be aware of what their employee is doing…  and if he/she doesn’t agree with an employee creating a RED FLAG and running pts away… may not be very happy… I had my own store for 20 yrs… I know how I would react under such circumstances… To borrow a phrase from our previous President  YOU’RE FIRED !!

I would challenge the Pharmacist – that if she is SURE that your Rx is NOT LEGAL… call the police and have you arrested… for trying to fill a bogus Rx… she won’t do it … because falsely accusing and filing a false police report – has some serious consequences for her

according to this https://recordinglaw.com/party-two-party-consent-states/ the state that you live in is not a two party recording state… use your smart phone to record your conversation with her… you can legally do it in your state without telling her.

Some board of pharmacy consider lying to pt… unprofessional conduct

Here is a chart of the potential complications of under/untreated pain… in your situation – line 3 and last line are probably the most applicable for you… since she will be throwing you into cold turkey withdrawal.


Here is a recent lawsuit  settled with a SEVEN MILLION DOLLAR judgement when a pt had meds cut 55% and ended up committing suicide from increased pain and cold  turkey withdrawal  https://www.pharmaciststeve.com/prescriber-induced-suicide-jury-awards-a-seven-million-judgement/

2 Responses

  1. Perfect response Dr. Steve.

  2. In my case a “floater” pharmacist lied to me and said the same thing about my doctor being red flagged and that he could never write for narcotics again anywhere! He even claimed to have told the doctor but when I contacted his office they of course had no such call!

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