Sometimes the bureaucracy sides with the pt when they feel they have been short-changed with their care

Does a practitioner’s ethnicity effect the care they provide to females ?

I made the above blog post back in Nov 2019. Concerning Barb’s experience on a < 24 hr hospital admission and a hospitalist that our hospital requires pts to be seen by and our PCP is no longer allowed to see his pts while they are pts in the hospital. Since our PCP’s practice is now OWNED by the hospital and our PCP is JUST AN EMPLOYEE OF THE HOSPITAL… they can dictate who can provide us care when in the hospital.

We live in a metro area of about 1.5- 2 million people and there are two other major hospital system in the metro area. If we are being forced to see a hospitalist, does it really matter what hospital you go to..  Our local hospital has – according to their website – 20 hospitalists on staff..  Unless we are both unconscious, this hospitalist will not take care of either of us in the future. They are all on the same electronic medical record system (EPIC).. so our PCP will have access to our hospital medical records when we return to see our PCP.

I have omitted the hospitalist’s name because I have complaints filed with two other bureaucratic entities that has oversight of his actions – or in-actions – and this is the first written response that I have received in response to my complaints, and I may not be finished with him yet.

Livanta is the organization that oversees that Medicare pts receive appropriate care from healthcare providers.  If – and only if – pts file complaints when they feel they have received less than adequate care. This letter/action has taken four months to get to this point and it could be just the first step before we reach the end of the path in regards to this issue.

4 Responses

  1. I leared during a new conversion to Epic about the individuality with in the system

  2. Cut And Paste. You Can’t Trust Sadists. If Their LIFE SUSTAINING Medications Were Being Questioned, Manipulated, And All Nonstandardized, This Would NEVER Be Considered At All. This Is A Horrific Crime And HIPPA Means Being Exposed To Radiation As Their Subcontractors Get Paid To Watch You In Your Bedroom And Bathroom. Depopulation Is Not An Appropriate Word For The Massive Genocide Taking Place.

  3. It’s criminal that they’d take months to respond to this, tho part of me is sorta amazed that they acknowledged that abrupt withdrawal of long-term meds can cause a problem.

    Where’s the ethnicity come in, tho?

  4. Steve, I empathize with you. Certainly know about Livanta with their Medicare Appeals process. I made multiple appeal requests for my late mother’s care, including discharge. Livanta sided with me 2 out of 3 inpatient hospitalization times. Note, about delays and timing? It is always helpful to write STAT on the form, on the FAX cover sheet and on any patient related hardcopy headed for the reviewer’s inbox. Good luck! I hope your lovely wife stays healthy. We are all working through this Medicare health maze.
    EPIC is new to many clinicians and patients. Might be helpful if you generate a USB storage “key” with all key medical history for your wife. I am working on the same for myself.

    About EPIC: Not all hospitals configure EPIC alike. The US is working towards a standardization of EHR (Electronic Health Records) to ensure no key patient data is lost.

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