NC Board of Medicine – must have a bunch of “loose screws”


How can anyone from a medical licensing board that would take a complaint from a person that does not even live in the state where the doc is licensed to practice and has never been a pt of the doctor to take a twitter complaint SERIOUSLY ?

But apparently Julie Roy ( @royjulie33 ) posted the above on twitter about three weeks after Dr Thomas Kline posted the above tweet.

Roy pulled a statement from a unidentified Mayo Clinic Staff member as justification for her complaint and apparently the NC Medical Board took it seriously. She even made this statement in the tweet 


Such of hyperbolic statement from a totally disconnect person to Dr Kline should have been a discredited from the very start by the medical board !

As if a 76 y/o physician could be licensed to practice everywhere in the world !  Dr Kline only had 34 pts taking opiates, not running a “pill mill” !

The NC Medical Board actually has a website with a specific page to file a complaint … again a person who does not file a complaint via the acceptable path was not just acknowledged but apparently taken seriously.

Unfortunately this woman’s son died of a Heroin overdose, so it would appear that her family’s gene pool has a defective gene that is the cause of mental health issues of an addictive personality and her son fell into that 1% +/- that can/will become addicted to a opiate.  Did her son every actually have a legal prescription for a opiate ?  If not, where did he get his first dose(s) of a opiate or did he just start with an illegal opiate like Heroin ?

At last report, 3 of Dr Kline’s NC34 pts were on a suicide watch…  Woman Roy feel much better if those three chronic pain pts died from committing suicide ?  If so, maybe she could be charged with contributing/assisting people to commit suicide ?

5 Responses

  1. I would really like to know if the three patients, previously treated by Dr. Kline, are on “suicide watch” because they are not able to legally obtain a prescription medication due to their sudden “orphaned” status – so created by Dr. Kline’s trumped up license forfeiture?

    Would authorities, in this instance, just accept a suicide death with a shrug and go about their business as usual?

    What would be the problem with restoring the three patient’s treatment plan for the time being?

    Is the policy created “suicide watch” not intentional infliction of emotional distress?
    Or cruel and unusual punishment?
    If a NC Board member is a licensed medical practioner, they should be responsible for temporary patient care as they are aware and have become involved in a legal manner.

    I’m having a hard time understanding the whole situation. But I can imagine that if I were and that situation I would likely create some catastrophe in order to make a point and hasten my likely inevitable death.

    I’m considering that some patient’s in this type of painful scenario will look at this situation and realize that it could easily be them – and will ruminate in their mind all of the negatives I mentioned – to the point here they may proactively just go ahead with the catastrophe side of the equation – realizing that if this nonsense and nightmare is to continue, then their death is certainly inevitable.
    Therefore, why not make a statement on your way out of this life. It be the last gesture of Goodwill that you can leave your children and grandchildren. I sense something of this sort is brewing. How tragic.

    We keep on asking other people, those with power, for permission to live our lives in a productive manner, or perhaps soon, in any manner.

    Who’s in charge?
    Who’s in control?
    What if it’s us?

  2. Crazy thing is the woman herself has been a chronic pain patient for years on longterm opioid therapy!! So she is perfectly AWARE of the shortages of doctors willing to prescribed & the trouble patients have getting their meds!! I believe she fired off this tweet & complaint to the NC medical board out of anger without any thought as to what it may lead to. But to be fair…I highly doubt she thought a tweet on Twitter & a complaint that was more opinion than fact would actually lead to an investigation & taking his license. Doesn’t excuse her actions but it feels like the NC Medical board has just been LOOKING & WAITING to find ANY excuse to do this. I’m just PRAYING that any judge who reviews this sees the reasoning for the investigation as unfounded & slander & dismisses it on those grounds. Because I just can’t believe there is ANYTHING illegal in his records. I HOPE that if this goes to a court hearing the judge not only dismisses it but suggests charges of misconduct, slander & wasting the courts time onto the NC Medical Board!! As well as charges again this woman for slander & if anything in her complaint to the medical board was proven to be lies harsher charges filled.
    Now…there COULD be something good that comes out of this. IF this injustice was picked up by the mainstream media highlighting how this is a witch hunt where they will use ANY EXCUSE to go after doctors & THEN not even follow their own protocols as they failed to give him a change to read the complaint, respond in writing & then have a hearing BEFORE any actions were taken against him. They even REFUSED to give him a list of what he was being charged with/suspected of DESPITE DEMANDING he surrender his license…& further not allowing him (& a lawyer) to fully read the document concerning surrendering his license which states it has to be done VOLUNTARILY since they had NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing. But they made it seem as if he had no choice but to do so. Thus IF all of that corruption were to come to light in MSM…MAYBE it would be the key to waking up the general public to the persecution of innocent drs & pain patients! Could be the start to unraveling this whole mess IF the media would then investigate other cases of drs being investigated & having their license suspended (& thus patient cut off) unfairly/unjustly. ‍♀️

    • the trick is to get MSM to air the story in such a way that they do NOT portray dr Kline & his patients as crazed druggies & a drug pusher. They’ve pretty much settled into that narrative, & don’t seem interested in showing “our” side (i.e. reality).

  3. JUST received great news! I was told two days ago, to be “prepared” to be questioned, on a regular expect by more government “experts” in the field of opiate pain medication use because I am prescribed opiate medication (for 25 years) for pain management about my “state of mind” . The reason, to make sure I m in a “good” state of mind BECAUSE I use opiate medication to manage pain. WHAT THE HELL will happen IF I state I am NOT in a “good state of mind”? Will my medication used for 25 years, 23 years of VERY beneficially and successfully ….DOCUMENTED years, I might add prior to the asinine “guideline’, DOCUMENTED as such, be terminated? Will my spine pain specialist be hauled before the NC Medical board to end his YEARS of education, his career, his great help to patients that have to live in over the top pain endurance if they, the “experts” hear that I have lost my business, a prisoner in my home and having difficulties with EVERY effing aspect of function in my life? The squeeze on patients use (of opiate medication) AND physician prescribing of opiate medication INTENSIFIES to END opiate medication use…period, I suppose. Patients will be in a BETTER “state of mind” while in agony or placed on a “watch list” if not cheerful about “forced tapering”? I AM truly sorry that and I feel as if ALL PMP”s do NOT wish to be informed of another case of OD because of illicit substance abuse that has occurred but… what of our Veterans, our people from ALL walks of life that have had our lives destroyed because of this negative campaign on opiate medication use? So, bottom line, Am I SUPPOSED to report to these “experts” that I am “happy” with having my medication “force tapered’ by 80 percent in eight weeks after 23 years of beneficial, documented use, remained “in compliance” with use of opiate medication which is DIECTLY related to my job loss, inability to earn an income, a prisoner in my home now, and generally do NOT have a “good” outlook on the future simply to LIE about the true nature of “forced tapering” to keep the little ineffective dosage of prescribed medication available to me now? I I believe the “experts” FULLY intend to terminate the prescribing of opiate medication used by the FAR VAST majority of patients SUCEFULL< beneficially, because of the heartbreak loss of loved ones, especially by our young people who are using illicit substances while "partying'. BRILLIANT thinking and let's dismiss the millions of patients that benefit from an adequate dosage of pain management medication to ease lifelong, 24/7 out of control" pain issues. I LOVE living in the state of NC. I truly do but, the asinine "thinking" in relation to the LAST effective means to manage lifelong, intractable, disabling pain….worsens, on a calculated basis

  4. Marvelous. Now we’re allowing vigilantes to dictate medical care & medical careers. As to your question at the end, I suspect this loon would feel better if the 3 patients committed suicide. From some interactions I’ve had & seen with parents of addicted offspring (some not even dead), they actually hold us “so-called chronic pain patients” responsible for starting & perpetuating heroin addiction. Some of them will tie themselves into the most incredible anti-logic, anti-sense knots to blame someone else –anyone else– for Baby’s addiction problems.

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