New Standard of Care & Best Practices ?

All sorts of emails show up in my inbox every day.. today this is an example of one of them..

My problem is this; The only pharmacy to date that I have been able to walk into and pick up my medications for my controlled substance prescriptions is a little ” Mom & Pop Pharmacy as its called, that every month I can go to and  they actually have my medication available and don’t turn me away for one reason or another. They would accept My Humana PDP if I came in there for any non narcotic prescription they would submit my Insurance  ( no problem). They are one of the pharmacies In network. It’s hard to rock the boat because they to this point now is the only pharmacy I find that hasn’t turned me away, for one reason or the other. Because I have been there plenty of times when another customer has walked in and over heard conversations and they have flat out turned them away. Pharmacies pick and choose. It’s so hard because you don’t want to go without your medications. So I continue to pay this thousands monthly because I don’t know what else to do.
Please continue to keep me in mind and send me Anything. Hopefully Someone will get to the bottom of all this.

.Coercion /kˈɜrʃən/ is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of intimidation or threats or some other form of pressure or force. It involves a set of various types of forceful actions that violate the free will of an individual to induce a desired response, usually having a strict choice or option against a person in such a way a victim cannot escape, for example: a bully demanding lunch money to a student or the student gets beaten. These actions can include, but are not limited to, extortion, blackmail, torture, and threats to induce favors. In law, coercion is codified as a duress crime. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in a way contrary to their own interests. Coercion may involve the actual infliction of physical pain/injury or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat. The threat of further harm may lead to the cooperation or obedience of the person being coerced. All forms of government are based upon and function off of coercion

Apparently this “Mom & Pop” pharmacy has found a new source of revenue.. It has been reported that this particular pharmacy admits to filling controlled meds at “ONE THOUSAND PER-CENT MARK UP “…  now this would be understandable when you are talking about a cost of ingredients <1.00 and the cost of filling a prescription is $10-$15 .. then that type of “mark up” is appropriate and acceptable.. but.. when the cost of the medication is in the $200-$300 range and the pt has to pay $2000+.. well that is another matter.

Seems to put the price from the pharmacy …in the same area – or greater – of what is reported as the street value of some opiates..

I recently posted about a pharmacy being in a network and declining to fill/bill insurance and forcing pt to pay cash

Good/bad Karma for some ?

I suspect that there are laws on the book in most states about price gouging…

I also know that most big companies want for their names to appear on the web… so Humana should be aware of what I have posted about them and their pharmacy network not honoring their contracts..

I know that the vast majority of the web crawlers that index what is put on the web routinely adds the posts from “my little blog” .. normally within 4-12 hrs of things I post.

Presuming that those issues are facts…  it would be UNUSUAL if Humana has not read some of my posts about their pharmacy network and not honoring their contracts and at least at face value.. they are doing NOTHING !… so does that mean that they are willing accepting premiums from patients and knowing that they are having to pay for their needed medications out of pocket that is covered by their policy and Humana is profiting from ignoring that their pharmacy network does not adheres to their contacts.

If this is true.. isn’t accepting payment for providing a product/service and not doing so .. FRAUD ???

Come on Humana… take care of the pts that you are collecting premium from and help them to get the products/services that they are entitled to under their policy..

4 Responses

  1. It is amazing the stories that come out. Is this safer than the corner dealer? And what other pharmacist will fill-very important question. Chronic pain patients are caught in the price gouging, we are out or we don’t stock mess no matter where they are.

  2. Have any of you seen the reimbursement from humana??? I guarantee it is below cost, due to “MAC” pricing. Better the mom and pop shop make money than either the pt that “needs” the medication or the insurance company. You can get mad all you want but that patient did not have to pay that price. He /she could have gone to any number of thousands of pharmacies in his/her own neighborhood. My experience with cash paying narcotic seekers is that they are selling them in THE PARKING LOT!!!.
    Sometimes I think my colleagues live in denial. Oh poor patient, he can’t get his oxy’s anywhere. Ever stop to wonder why???

  3. Your right…that ‘mom and pop pharmacy’ doesn’t deserve to be call a pharmacy, apparently it’s traded in its professional ethics for greed. Shame on them! I’m saddened to see to what level many in my profession are sinking.

  4. I would not pay cash for any script if I had medication coverage.
    This ” Mom & Pop Pharmacy should be called “CORNER DRUG DEALER” their no better than the guy selling vicoden for $10 bucks a pill. Seems its time for this person paying cash to titrate off narcotics or be a fool and continue to pay this thousands monthly because you don’t know what else to do. When you do this it makes it okay for this pharmacy to rip you off like they are doing.
    I can see your a little light on brains so continue to pay, or just stop this ignorance.
    Yea there’s all kinds of people out there that don’t know what to do.
    I’m done with this foolishness.

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