Increased suicides, robberies, pts in withdrawal doesn’t really upset us.

Police: Community health crisis may lead to more pharmacy robberies

Notice the verbiage … it goes from PATIENTS that NEED – NOT WANT – and they go from dependent to ADDICTION. wonder how many more suicides

I bet that in Indiana’s AG Zoeller office.. they are CELEBRATING… because his BITTER PILL PROGRAM  Is working ?

Of course, Indiana has one of the highest meth lab busts, pharmacy robberies and Heroin use/abuse/death is on a dramatic upswing.

I guess that “success” is in the eye of the beholder !


3 Responses

  1. Wow… We aren’t patients deserving of care anymore. Really!?! And oh Obamacare is working perfectly as we have people insured… Yet the state “cannot absorb 5000 patients”!!! It’s effin ridiculous!
    Addicts DO in fact get treated better and with more compassion than sick folks. My brother is an addict for 10 years now and for the last five years he gets his monthlynarcotuc suboxone WITHOUT FAIL… WITHOUT QUESTION. I however, have a chronic and lifelong debilitating autoimmune disease for which there is no cure… I diligently bring my rheumys most tecent progress report with plan of care every month to Walgreens and get hassled every single month. They will only fill it every 30 days. Yet they say they have to have 48 hrs to process all narcotics and have to call the prescribing physician. That means I’m out of meds completely for 2-3 days, sometimes longer if its “out of stock”,
    It’s fucking ridiculous.
    I’m not not have ever been a criminal… But it’s getting tempting to be brutally honest. Not only do u have to jump thru doctors office hoops… U have to then deal with the glaring suspicions of the pharmacy!
    My former crackhead and heroin abusing brother however has no medical reason for continued use of narcotics over the past five years other than ADDICTION.

    Why can’t folks see the TRUTH here? Why can’t folks see the wrong people are being targeted… Our rights being tampled upon!?!?!
    All because we were the lucky ones who got sick. And we never did anything wrong to get sick in the first place.
    It makes me so angry!!!!

    • This piece is the LEAD story on the local news! And not one soundbite about untreated pain, just a warning that the clinic’s patients are automatically suspects in future pharmacy holdups? Hell we used to at least get a tidbit about balancing the needs of legit patients w/ reducing the ‘prescription drug epidemic’. Now? Tough shit, we cant absorb 5,ooo patients/addicts so better be on the lookout, they could get desperate and knock off pharmacies!

      Hi Candice. You asked “why cant people see the truth”?
      IMO, when uninformed citizens are fed a one sided story for years they come to believe it. Take word association for instance, its a great example.

      Pain management=pill mills
      Pill mills=unscrupulous doctors PUSHING ‘highly addictive’ NARCOTICS
      Daily use of NARCOTICS=ADDICTION.
      Simple as that to most folks.

      With many primary doctors unwilling to prescribe adequate NARCOTICS at all, even for short term pain, and even LEGITIMATE pain clinics being under assault by law enforcement, it is going to be nigh on impossible very soon for patients to receive any treatment for their pain.

      I think even the most paranoid conspiracy theorists could not have imagined that the crackdown on pill mills would gather enough momentum to carry our health system into its current state iin regards to ignoring pain.

      When even the DISABLED are being left out in the cold w/out a blink of an eye it is almost inconceivable.

      That the govt has little regard for your health should come as no surprise. Just who the hell passes up appointing a REAL DOCTOR to handle a potential outbreak of the deadly EBOLA VIRUS in favor of a political insider?
      How is it possible for there to be no confirmed Surgeon General for so long? The current ‘acting’ SG has almost unanimous backing of the medical community and their professional associations.

  2. Of course Guilty til proven innocent and did you also notice the verbage towards concered family members of former patients of Dr Hedricks….all legit pain patients are addicts…setting pain management back 50 years or more again. I’m sure a bill will be introduced yet again to put pseuephedrine on prescription during this legislative session while they continue to argue about allowing Sunday sales on alcohol.

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