Free Lance Journalist Wants CPP stories

Free Lance Journalist Wants CPP stories

Bill Myers is putting together a proposal for editors of mass media in which his work has appeared.  To support a future series of articles, he wants to talk with patients or caregivers of patients
       (a) whose doctors have told them that they must taper down on opioid therapy that has been effective in maintaining their quality of life, to meet “CDC Standards” or local State guidelines,
       (b) whose doctors have left pain management practice citing fear for losing their medical license and livelihood if they continue to prescribe, or
       (c) who have been denied or had delays in renewal of a prescription by pharmacist who felt “uncomfortable” with the dose prescribed by their doctors.  If you’ve been denied renewal based on chain pharmacy “policy”, this may be particularly useful to share.
If you are in one of these categories and feel comfortable in talking with a journalist, then please feel free to correspond directly with Bill  at Send him your name, the area of the US where you live, and a contact email or phone number where you can be reached.  Don’t send him your entire life story.  Just contact data and maybe a few lines.  We don’t want to drown the man. 

3 Responses

  1. I was in a wreck 32 years ago. I have nerve damage and fibromyalgia on top of that. I was 24 years old and pregnant with my 2nd child at the time of my wreck.
    I have fought with my pain and depression for all these years. I have never had problems at all with Doctors prescribing pain medications for me.
    That changed January 2017.
    They were cut in half but my pain level wasn’t. I then turned to alcohol for relief and I went down hill fast.
    My husband found out about kratom and ordered some for me December 2017. My pain was gone within 30 minutes. No pain medication has worked that fast and not left me impaired. I have not taken a drink since I took my 1st kratom and I have added CBD and other herbs since. My husband has his wife back and my kids have their mother back. I have my life back. I’m from Mississippi and people here are trying to band it from my state. I am so upset about this. I don’t want to be a felon because I take my ground up leaves from a Indonesian kratom tree.

  2. I suffer from fibromyalgia and my family doc will not prescribe pain medication. I recently have found 24 hour Transdermal CBD oil squares! Help me tremendously

  3. Thanks to Bill Myers.
    I’ll reach out again.

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