3 Responses

  1. Judicial strong arming

  2. Congrats to Dr. Sachy and a heartfelt thank you to Chapman and his associate.

  3. This case, by all rights, SHOULD reset the current “legal precedent” that has been set via the shady tactics they’re so fond of using to secure conviction after conviction by threatening physicians into signing plea deals admitting to guilt that they do not claim, in order to avoid the potential of even longer, devastating sentences. They know fully well the power of public perception amongst potential jurors, as by assessing the current oversaturation of sensationalist media, we can clearly deduce there is no longer such a thing as an “impartial jury of one’s peers”. That just doesn’t exist in this country any longer. The public is used to seeing the consistent vilification of providers and the proud proclamations of certain entities that they’ve “taken another one off of the streets” in one form or another. I don’t blame them for signing plea deals. The fact of the matter is that most shouldn’t be subjected to such treatment in the first place for simply DARING to treat pain.

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