20 veterans a day committed suicide in 2014, new data show

20 veterans a day committed suicide in 2014, new data show http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2016/07/07/veterans-suicides-young-men-women/86755132/ An average of 20 veterans a day committed suicide in 2014, a trend that reflects record high rates among young men fresh out of the military and growing numbers of women taking their lives, the first actual count of suicides among former service members shows. The […]

HHS Eases Buprenorphine Prescribing

Here is the “official definition” of C-II & C-III drugs… HHS is encouraging the prescribing of Buprenorphine a C-III medication in place of a pt taking a C-II medication..  I wonder how the DEA determined what a medication’s “potential” for abuse is/was. Since measuring a person’s degree of an addictive personality disorder is very subjective… […]

Breaking news on preventable deaths

Just because they don’t ask.. doesn’t mean that the pt cannot ask for pain medication

CMS angers hospitals with plans for site-neutral rates in outpatient payment rule http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20160706/NEWS/160709964 The CMS has responded to calls to eliminate patient satisfaction on pain management from Medicare’s value-based purchasing program. The agency angered hospitals, however, with plans to stop paying their off-campus facilities the same as hospital-based outpatient departments. Both policies are included in […]

now they are trying to tie cardiovascular deaths to long acting opiates

Long-acting opioid therapy linked to increased mortality risk http://www.clinicaladvisor.com/pain-information-center/increased-mortality-risk-with-long-acting-opioid-therapy/article/507694/ Prescription of long-acting opioid medications for chronic, noncancer pain is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality when compared to alternative medications, according to research published in JAMA. Wayne A. Ray, PhD, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, and colleagues conducted a retrospective cohort study […]

Contrary to popular belief… ADA does (seldom) gets enforced..

McDonald’s Management Responds to Lawsuit http://www.nwahomepage.com/news/mcdonalds-management-responds-to-lawsuit A company that manages a Bentonville McDonald’s responded on Wednesday to accusations it fired an employee for being HIV positive. According to a lawsuit filled by the U.S. Equal Employement Opportunity Commision, the restaurant violated federal law by firing the employee for having HIV, and it also violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by maintaining […]

Could healthcare professionals being drawn into a trap ?

We are all aware of the push to try and get Naloxone (Narcan) into as many pockets as possible. And who has the most a need for Naloxone… substance abusers… and as of 1917 our court system decided that the mental health disease of addictive personality disorder is going forward a CRIME. So what happens […]

Compared to the preventable deaths from medical errors .. opiate OD deaths are a non-issue ?

Overcoming Obstacles to Medication Error Reporting http://www.pharmacytimes.com/contributor/alan-polnariev-pharmd-ms-cgp/2016/07/overcoming-obstacles-to-medication-error-reporting In 1999, the landmark paper “To Err is Human” estimated 100,000 deaths are caused by medication errors each year.1 More recently, a 2013 article cited the related death toll between 210,000 and 440,000.2   According to a 2012 study, preventable medical errors cost the US economy as much as […]

Someone doesn’t know how to count or using different criteria as to what is a “drug death”

Two reports offer different numbers for drug deaths in Pennsylvania http://www.readingeagle.com/news/article/two-reports-offer-different-numbers-for-drug-deaths-in-pennsylvania&template=mobileart Glaring differences between two high-profile reports on how many people died from drug overdoses in Pennsylvania in 2014 have called into question the reliability of numbers given to the public on the toll of the heroin and opioid drug crisis. The reports were produced […]