Could healthcare professionals being drawn into a trap ?

carrottstickWe are all aware of the push to try and get Naloxone (Narcan) into as many pockets as possible. And who has the most a need for Naloxone… substance abusers… and as of 1917 our court system decided that the mental health disease of addictive personality disorder is going forward a CRIME.

So what happens if the DEA gets a hold of wholesaler records of what pharmacies are purchasing above average units of Naloxone and/or gets insurance records of what pharmacies and/or which prescribers has been writing or selling Naloxone.

Could that information be used to suggest that the prescriber or pharmacies is prescribing and/or selling Naloxone to people that the Pharmacist and/or prescriber had concerns that the pt was “abusing” their opiates.

So the DEA could come to the conclusion that the Pharmacist or Doctor is writing/filling Rxs for pts that don’t have a legit medical need.. and thus breaking the law.

Given previous actions of the DEA .. all they need is the OPINION that one or two pts are not legit for them to raid a doc’s practice and/or pharmacy.

baithookAll that talk about “doing good” and helping save lives of those suffering from addiction… could it be just “bait on a hook ” ?

We probably won’t see any action out of the DEA on this issue until all the states has put regulations in place for Naloxone to be OTC… which may be another year or two.

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