106 million lost souls ?

wethepeopleIn the last Presidential election there was 235 million people in the USA of voting age… and there was 129 million votes cast… with 5 million between the winner and the loser… is it more than a coincident that the number of people that didn’t vote is the same number of estimated chronic pain pts ?

Congress (both parties and both House and Senate) have an approval rating in the single digit right below CAR SALESMEN and yet 90% will get re-elected.

There seems to be more “coming out” this Presidential election about the “workings” of both parties in choosing their Presidential candidate.

The Republicans have had 12 “contested conventions” where there was not a candidate that came to the convention with the need 1237 delegates to gain the nomination on the first ballot. Nine of those 12 contested conventions.. the person that came to the convention with the most delegates.. didn’t get the nomination of the party to represent the Republican party in the Presidential election.  They routinely hold out that Abraham Lincoln came to the convention in FOURTH PLACE but was “chosen” by the party’s insiders as the party’s nominee.

Or course the Democrats have their own set of rule or “king makers” .. referred to as “super delegates”… there are 712 super delegates are abt 30% of the 2472 delegates needed to gain the nomination of the party. So party insiders can definitely change the outcome of the convention.

I know that there are people out there that believe electing a “bad Democrat” is better than electing any Republican and the same goes for some people believe that electing a “bad Republican” is better than electing any Democrat.

The problem seems to be that no matter who gets elected and which party is in power… Congress continues to spend more than they take in.

Here are the 34 Senators up for re-election in 2016  http://2016.state-election.info/senate/  and three have not yet confirm their intention to run for re-election.

Just shy of 65 million votes elected the last President (Obama)… 106 million people of voting age… DID NOT VOTE…

During Obama’s tenure … we have had Democratic controlled Congress and Republican controlled Congress..

If you can’t vote for a Democrat … vote for a Libertian

If you can’t vote for a Republican… vote for a Libertian

If you must vote for a Republican or Democrat.. vote the incumbent OUT…

Politicians only care about two things.. $$ to buy ads to get re-elected and votes… Just listen to them… they believe that $$$ buy ads and the more ads they run.. the more votes they will get.. and they will GET RE-ELECTED.

If you are happy with the status quo of Congress and our government… by all means … vote for the incumbent…

or go here to see more of these “honest political ads ”  https://www.youtube.com/user/UnitedRepublicVideo?sub_confirmation=1&src_vid=NAtunJv6NtE&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_627256905



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