Is it unprofessional conduct?

In a recent Oregon Board of pharmacy did a survey of RPH’s and their opinion as to if their work environment promotes patient safety… 3 out of 4 of chain RPH’s stated that their work environment DID NOT promote a patient safety work environment.
I started a similar survey on this website and as of this post … (02/19/2011) the numbers are much worse for every ONE that believed that their work environment promoted patient safety… SIXTEEN voted that they were understaffed and their work environment DID NOT promote patient safety.
If work environments that are unsafe … who is at fault?… By most practice acts .. the PIC/QP is responsible for the legal operation of a Rx dept.
Should the staff RPh’s be expressing their concerns – in writing – to the PIC about the perceived unsafe working condition? Should the PIC be relaying these concerns to the corporate management and the state BOP?
If the staff’s concerns are not addressed by the PIC, corporate, BOP… could they no longer be considered guilty of unprofessional conduct.. even if a patient is harmed? Or would the per-cent of the final judgement against the staff RPH’s be dramatically reduced because of the RPH not standing idly by and not expressing their concerns about their work environment?

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