When will pharmacy catch on ?

Some hospitals are starting to see the light. A recent article in The Tennessean Hospitals moving to change culture, admit mistakes

One hospital has recognized that most errors are based in a system problem …

Nashville’s Baptist Hospital is a case in point. In 2009, a 3-week-old infant in neonatal intensive care died when a nurse confused a feeding line and an IV line. Rather than simply fire the nurse, the hospital evaluated how its procedures and equipment allowed the mistake to happen.

One of their system changes was …

Nurses performing important duties like preparing medication doses for patients now go to a specially marked area where they can flip up a red sign that reads, “No interruptions please.”

IMAGINE THAT… interruptions were causing medication errors ! How long will it take for Pharmacy to get the message about errors… being based in a faulty system and interruptions is a serious patient safety issue?

One Response

  1. Steve…I could not agree more!

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