12 Addison’s Disease Symptoms You Shouldn’t Overlook

long term under/untreated pain, can cause Addison’s disease. you can click on the hyperlink below to go to the article and see details under each ‘”symptom” but the very last because a Addisonian Crisis can be life threatening and you have experienced some or many of the symptoms and you are a chronic pain pts that has had their pain meds reduced or eliminated some time ago and you have been ignoring some/many of these symptoms. Perhaps once you get to the description of a Addisonian Crisis… it might be time to see a endocrinologist for a group of blood or diagnostic urine tests.

12 Addison’s Disease Symptoms You Shouldn’t Overlook


1. Feeling Tired All the Time

2. Decreased Appetite and Weight Loss

3. Low Blood Sugar

4. Low Blood Pressure

5. Nausea, Vomiting or Diarrhea

6. Pain in the Joints and Muscles

7. Irritability and Mood Swings

8. Abdominal Cramping

9. Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

10. Salt Cravings

11. Hair-Loss

12. Addisonian Crisis

This term describes the biological state where the body experiences complete adrenal fatigue. An Addisonian crisis can be a life-threatening event requiring immediate medical attention. Adrenal fatigue can present sudden symptoms such as shaking, anxiety, and dizziness

Addisonian crisis is the final stage of Addison’s disease; you should do all you can to avoid falling into this hormonal state. People living with Addison’s that experience frequent Addisonian crisis are at risk of developing other serious illnesses and diseases.

The best course of action to take in avoiding an Addisonian crisis is to visit your doctor for a hydrocortisone shot. The injection will be administered in the upper area of the buttocks and provides immediate relief from all symptoms.

Those individuals living with the advanced stages of Addison’s disease may need to keep an emergency hydrocortisone shot available in a travel medical kit. A medical professional will show you how to administer the intramuscular injection by yourself safely.

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