Your Federal Congressional Representatives are now back in their home districts

The House of representatives control the purse strings of the entire Federal Budget… they could reduce or defund the DEA… they are back in their home districts.. they are meeting with their constituents .. you will never have a better opportunity to get your message across..  Contact their local district office and see when you can have a person meeting with them.. or they are having a town forum. They will never know or understand your concerns or issues.. unless you make sure that they hear directly from you !

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives wrapped up votes Wednesday evening ahead of the August recess. Most members left town later that night or on Thursday. We caught up with a couple of congressmen before they hit the road.Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Renacci pointed out that while there is more work to be done when the House comes back, he likes being able to talk with his constituents.

“It gives us a little break in the legislative period, but at the same time, gives us an opportunity to really understand what’s going on back home,” Renacci told us.

Like many members of Congress, Florida Democratic Rep. Ted Deutch is looking forward to holding a series of town hall meetings on the issues important to his constituents.

“I hope that people will come out and will participate and will share their views with me,” Deutch said. “That’s what I respond to. That’s the most important part of my job.”

Some of the major issues lawmakers will have to act on after the August recess include the Iran nuclear deal, a longer-term Highway Trust Fund bill, and the debt ceiling.

The U.S. Senate will adjourn for its August recess next week.

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