When you need to look for a reason to JUST SAY NO.. you will find it ?

It would appear that the state’s PMP ( Prescription Monitoring Program) has been down – not working – for one or more days and this prescriber is talking to a local pharmacist about a pt’s Rx and getting it filled for a controlled substance. In this particular state the data in the PMP can be as much as 7 days out… ..but.. this particular pharmacist after six years of education and unknown period of experience in a community pharmacy… can’t make a decision without being able to pull a PMP report and apparently could care less if the pt is thrown into withdrawal and elevated pain.. because the state’s PMP system is not working …  just another reason to “JUST SAY NO “?

3 Responses

  1. http://adph.org/PDMP/Default.asp?id=1931


    “The information in the PDMP database in not based on real time. There is a two week interval between the date of dispensing and your request. All searches should be a minimum of two weeks old…”

    How old is the information in the Utah PDMP?

  2. That sounds about right. I am so completely disgusted with this situation re filling rxs for pain meds that my blood is boiling not to mention depressed because I’m in pain, pain that until a couple years ago was well controlled. My condition is chronic, I am legally disabled and have been on pain mgmnt for over 18 yrs. Unfortunately my condition is deteriorating but I’m forced to either go without meds or settle for whatever pain pills I can find at my local pharmacys which are same ones in the same strength I started out taking 18+ yrs ago. Tolerance? Deteriorating condition? Chronic? Well documented via.MRIs? None of that matters. Nobody that has the power to correct the situation cares. I’ve filed complaints with every organization, every politician, written letters and made numerous phone calls but nothing has changed not one bit. So I guess I wasted my time. Is it any wonder that heroin use is on the rise? I can completely understand why some pts resort to using it for pain. I haven’t gotten that desperate yet thank God but who knows a year from now if situation isn’t resolved and my pain continues to worsen, what I may feel forced to do in order to get relief? Not I.

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