when the cure causes another painful disease

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Shared video from ATIP about our member Rhonda Posey.
Rhonda posted;
My hopes are to reach as many as possible who may be considering ESI’s or other invasive procedures in the spine and do not have all the facts needed to make an informed decision, and to reach those who may have this dreadful disease and are wondering what is happening to their bodies as I, and many others, did in the beginning.
The corticosteroids used in ESIs are NOT FDA approved for use in the epidural space, they are intended for intramuscular use only.

•The effectiveness and safety of injection of corticosteroids into the epidural space of the spine has not been established, and the FDA has not approved corticosteroids for this use.

Kenalog and Depo-medrol are the two leading corticosteroids used, manufacture package inserts include Arachnoiditis as an adverse effect on the data sheets.

4-23-2014 FDA Drug Communication issued the following statement;
•FDA requires label changes to warn of rare but serious neurological problems after epidural corticosteroid injections for pain
•The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning that injection of corticosteroids into the epidural space of the spine may result in rare but serious adverse events, including loss of vision, stroke, paralysis, and death. The injections are given to treat neck and back pain, and radiating pain in the arms and legs. •We are requiring the addition of a Warning to the drug labels of injectable corticosteroids to describe these risks. Patients should discuss the benefits and risks of epidural corticosteroid injections with their health care professionals, along with the benefits and risks associated with other possible treatments.
Yet patients are not told the risks or these very important facts to make an informed decision prior to signing informed consent. Knowing these facts could save your life.

4-23-2014 was the same day I showed this disturbing photo to my physician. It was the 2cd physician to confirm the diagnosis of Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA). The 3rd would shortly follow from Dr. Forest Tennant, the leading expert authority of AA.

Arachnoiditis is not as rare as claimed. Due to overuse of epidural steroid injections, failed back surgeries, and other invasive procedures into the spine Dr. Tennant estimates that as many as one million Americans have this disease but go undiagnosed and misdiagnosed.

Be your own best advocate –be an informed patient.

4 Responses

  1. I’ve mentioned this on other threads on this site pertaining to ESI’s and since this subject has been brought up again I shall share this information.
    Not only are corticosteroids not FDA approved to be injected into the spine. People with bipolar disorder should not get them as well. The use of steroids can induce a full blown mania. If you are stable, anywhere close to being stable your health just isn’t worth the risk. It can take a long time to recover and in some cases require hospitalization. While this subject is up…if you take lithium, nsaids such as Naproxen can increase the lithium levels in the blood and cause side effects such as tremors, confusion, slurred speech. Research the medications you take and never agree to a procedure without investigating first. Be safe. You are your best advocate.

  2. I wish the victims of these injections would sue the pants off every “pain management” Dr.! They do them to make up for lost income since they can’t prescribe opioids—- they cost $2,000 a shot!

    I know that these victims are in such pain it renders them helpless, but their families should step in if they can. That’s the only thing that will stop them.

  3. NEVER sign a Consent or Permission To Treat form without carefully reading and understanding every word. Nothing has to be mentioned specifically to be covered. By signing the form. You agree to accept the risks.

    Legally, doctors and/or staff do not have to verbally inform patients of potential risks.

  4. I counted 88 spine injections. That isn’t the actual injections, that’s the times I went to get them. Results, feel like hot lava was posted down my spine and sometimes it feels as if got pokers were in each vertebra. Had I known it was not FDA approved, what ever that statement is worth, I’d have passed!

    How I healed myself, skullcap, Kratom, B complex stress formula and omega fish oil. Took 2 years for that burning pain to heal!

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