We are going to start seeing falling numbers of opiate OD’s

Over the next year, we are going to see the number of opiate OD’s starting to slowly decline.. .and the bureaucrats are going to “shout from the rooftops” that Narcan has saved all of these lives and the forced reduction in legal opiate prescriptions was the other reason.

To a certain degree, that may be true for those addicts who got a hold of some mixture of illegal Fentanyl analog and Heroin and wasn’t aware of its potency and Narcan may have saved their ass and taught them a valuable lesson.. but.. did it solve their addiction problem and convinced them to get sober… maybe a few percent.

They are just going to find some other “safer” substance to abuse..  marijuana, alcohol, methamphetamine, cocaine, crack for starters and will probably be poly-substance abusers.  After all typically the current OD will have 4 to 7 substances show up in their toxicology..

I don’t see the bureaucrats understanding the real reason behind this drop in OD’s and will continue to push for less and less legal opiate prescribing for pain.. don’t want to go down that path again ?

What are they going to blame as the “gateway drug” for the substances that will end up being abused… alcohol is a legal product and Methamphetamine & Cocaine are legal prescription products… but.. little to none is prescribed to pts.

But if there is not a decrease – or only a slight decrease in OD’s – could be from the suicides of chronic pain pts who can’t stand their pain any longer and decide to put a final end to their pain.  But if they use their existing pain opiates … most likely their deaths will be labeled as a “opiate related death” if a opiate shows up in their toxicology.

Doing nothing more than providing more fodder for the bureaucrats to keep pressing for fewer and fewer opiate prescribed for pain management ?

8 Responses

  1. Thanks Steve. This situation is upside down, as you know. I’m going to continue to call my state and federal government representatives. Repeatedly.
    I will become a pain in their ass, because I am disgusted with their inability to read and digest the actual facts ,as you have stated,.
    Narcan allows street Heroin use to continue….what a joke. This is outright torture towards the chronic pain community bc of the incompetent elected representatives (Republicans usually) to bring these issues to the forefront of this OPIATE CRISIS.

  2. Picture the future. No pain medications and no guns, no nothing to even help those wanting to remove themselves from this life. Even the Golden Gate Bridge no longer to be a quick solution. What then? The final choice has to be one with no survivability because to survive would truly be a fate worse than death. Communism is among our midst and very powerful. Communists hate humanity and want to see it suffer and destroyed. We are right on the cusp of this looming crisis in the USA. They are slithering all over the halls of D.C. with tons of cash to subvert the worthless government leaders interested only in bettering themselves. There is also the tactics of the Communists to threaten and blackmail the elected and unelected holders of power to do their bidding and change this nation overnight into full blown Communism. 9/11 changed everything in this country and took away our rights as a citizen. 17 years and a lot has gone unnoticed by the public and is ignored by the Communist mainstream news media. The public is in for a horrible ride into the future of blessings for the rich and extermination of the poor, sick and handicapped. The legal extermination will be done with euthanasia on demand and everyone will cheer.

    • Please stop your “red scare” paranoia. This fiasco is partly caused by US troops not allowed to destroy opium fields in Afghanistan. In 2001, 385 hectares of poppies, 2015, 13000 hectares. Guess where it goes? Add Mexican and Chinese fentanyl and voila- “OPIOID CRISIS”.
      Please do not get distracted from the REAL issue-PAIN.

    • Sad but TRUE. I believe your speculation on the downfall of America, as we NOW know it. Scary.

  3. Sadly,,,I agree,,,,they will NEVER EVER admit what they have done,,ie,,I believe partly the,” why”,, they quit UNHRC,,,FOR THE TRUTH TRULY IS,,,THEY HAVE USED TORTUE,TORTURE TO DEATH AND GENOCIDE OF A GROUP OF PEOPLES, to kill off all of us w/cpp/pre-existing. ,,, which is completely unlawful,inhumane in a civilized country.They could face formal charges,,,,,and no-way will these ass-holes face the consequences of their action…Kolodyn included!!
    However,,,I also have seen,,,,if u choose O.D. as your methodology of stopping your physical pain,,,your Doctor will be charged w/murder,,or some other b.s. charge,,,,if u use his/her medicine unlawfully..Now I know many many people are very very disgusted their doctor have not fought back and basically said yes massa to our government,,,,not given a rats ass about their patients,,,but more about their medical license,.,,Hey Doc’s,,,our lively hoods have also been destroyed if u haven’t noticed,,,,but,,,,jmo,,maybe a little toooo far to get your Doc charged w/murder,,,if u choose to unlawfully use your medicine to take away your forced physical pain for-ever,,,Something to think about,,,,and I guess why,,,firearm use will go up,,,,That will be terrible to see,,,O.D’s going down but use of a firearms to end their physical pain going up,,jmo,,,they will never take our guns,,,,,THANK GOD,,, for give this country another 20 years,,,,were gonna need’em,,,jmo,,maryw

  4. Why are they allowed to lie like this? Shouldn’t they be forced to do true statistics? They all are like chickens with the heads cut off fill with a ton of inaccurate information. They know nothing about addiction. Nothing about how pain meds truly work on people, yet they can publish all bullshit and have people stay in pain or commit suicide. Can’t these people get sued for such blatant inaccuracies? I know there is freedom of speech but this is way beyond that. This is killing people…people suffering at the hands of someone who does not know the real truths.

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