4 Responses

  1. I worked in basic medical reasearch for many years, & have read literally many thousands of scientific & medical journal articles. I used to have to do an “article review” periodically at lab meetings –I’d read an article, review it in front of PhDs, MDs, post-docs, & other research specialists & then have them critique my review, often savagely. So I know how to read & comprehend articles. I’ve read some of Roger Chou’s stuff (he’s one of the big names behind the CDC “guidelines” & as such is mentioned prominently in this letter). One example of his incredibly awful work is a review article from 2015: https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/2089370/effectiveness-risks-long-term-opioid-therapy-chronic-pain-systematic-review

    It is one of the worst scientific articles I ever read. He takes non-data & draws insane & completely unsupportable conclusions from it. it’s beyond appalling that this lying quack has been allowed to guide national policy, along with other lying quacks such as the good folks at PROP –as appropriately named a group as ever existed; they pump out propaganda at an astonishing rate.

    If anyone cares to read some of my critique of that & other articles that the anti-opioid zealots cite, http://nationalpainreport.com/what-i-would-have-told-oregon-officials-about-its-forced-opioid-taper-idea-8837654.html?fbclid=IwAR1fbMjcJE0DyTumuCsnUxAOMCbYwMz1shpYUmsHnkQ-dTBnY-aQknawAkU

    Excellent rebuttals to the propaganda (we need to spread the actual facts as far & wide as possible):

    A really excellent graph that shows the truth in a nutshell:




  2. Ok. So what does this mean exactly ? It was posted in June of 2015 , which we know then the cdc did have a short open comment period. I’m not positive but I do believe they made some
    Small changes . They then went ahead with the guidelines. So is this still on going in Washington state or is this moot ??????????

  3. This is from 2015??

  4. Look what happened…

    Many thanks to the Washington Legal Foundation at any rate. It’s not over though. Let us know how we can help via Steve’s site here.

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