14 Responses

  1. Until these people are STOPPED in a court of law for medical torture,crimes against humanity,violation of sooo many laws,,THEY WILL NOT SDTOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED…xsadly,,maryw

  2. This quote is from the principal investigator of the study that they’re running. The above letter is from this same collaboratory.

    “If we’re going to tell ppl opioids aren’t good, what else can we offer them “William Becker PI with the pain mgmt. collaboratory, studying integrative approaches to pain mgmt.

    Here’s a link to the info:

    • I approved this post – although I am skeptical of having a non-pharmacological pain management approaches starting with veterans with moderate to severe pain. I hope that this person shares the outcome of this study including all suicides and attempted suicides within this group of 600 veterans… at least that is what the above article links indicates how many veterans are going to participate in the study.

    • They ARE telling people that opiates are not good and, as we know, ALL “integrative approaches to pain management” are not only not good but dangerous and are torture because they are ineffective.

    • Just more QUACKS riding the anti-opiate gravy train at the expense of everyone in severe intractable pain.
      The primary components of RELIEF FACTOR are Turmeric and Omega-3…

  3. How is this even legal? Please, for the sake of the world,, explain this to me.

    • to me, it is quite simple… anti-opiate groups push their agenda that anyone taking a opiate is a substance abuser/addict. We still have this “puritanical thread” in our societal fabric and everything else that our society has labeled as “evil” … they have first tried to make illegal and then when that failed… they slapped a “sin tax” on it.. think alcohol, tobacco, gambling… some 40 states have made MJ legal in some form and every state has imposed some sort of tax on MJ… some have imposed some very large sin taxes. They have not figured out how to impose taxes on illegal opiates. Of course, most all wars post Vietnam, our medical system’s ability to save wounded soldiers has increased dramatically and soldiers that would have died in previous wars now survive as seriously disabled veterans and perhaps the VA system and the cost of funding the VA system has become a physical/financial challenge. Numbers that Congress never expected to have the VA system to deal with. It has been reported that – on average – 24 veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY. … denial of pain management could be more about thinning the herd

  4. Ya can’t make this stuff up. Stupidity and paranoia have reached their zenith. We ignored real life for drama and ‘stories’ and make believe and this is what we get, …cruel and unusual.

  5. This is the definition of Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

  6. WOW Talk about disrespecting the people who protected the parasites.
    They actually sound like there talking about kindergarten kids! You can be sure the ones hurting which im sure 99.99% are,will turn to the streets to try an find comfort..
    Until these special interest groups are removed from our Health Care nothing will change. There are to many idiots and groups ie: PROPaganda trying to force patients on there drug of choice ,which I have heard is harder to get off of than pain medication..But as fate has it these lowlifes also have interests in rehabs they can send them to..Funny how that worked out

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