Today is the last day of politcal ads

I am so sick of all of these political ads.. I am thankful that I don’t live in a swing state… friends I know that do.. are about ready to pull their hair out over all the mud pitching.

The question is .. why isn’t every state a “swing state”… maybe 16% of the states are considered swing states… what influences whole geographic areas for the majority of citizens seems to be locked into one party or the other… Could say that a majority are “closed minded”?

We Pharmacists are often reminded that we need to talk to most patients at the 4th -6th grade level when we are trying to explain their medication and how to take it.

We don’t let 9 to 11 y/o’s  to vote.. how do we get to a better educated electorate?  Congress has around a 10% +/- approval rating and yet 80%-90% will get reelected.

I can’t get  my head around a 16 TRILLION DEBT… can we expect a 10 yr old or someone with a 5th grade education level to be able to ?

It is reported that nearly 50% of all households pay no Federal income taxes… in 1980 that figure was 18%… how does this influence voters’ decisions?

Will the Obamacare that many are voting for… because they believe that it will be some sort of “universal healthcare”… Numerous sizable employers are already stating that they reduce employees to 29 hrs to exempt them from providing insurance as a provision of employment. Many of us in healthcare can’t visualize the “medical utopia” that many believe will happen.  Like many political promises .. it could turn out to be a mirage, or a bureaucratic financial black  hole.

Is Obama just like a locomotive and just gaining a good “head of steam” and gaining traction?

Could Romney use  his business experience to get Congress to stop acting like a bunch of Kindergartners in a sandbox?

One thing for sure after tomorrow .. a portion of the Congress will be a lame duck and we may or may not  have a lame duck President and nothing much will happen until Jan 20th when everyone takes office.  whoever it is.

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