Three Members of Congress who are – IMO – CLUELESS

House and Senate Bills Call for Zohydro Ban

A estimate 100 million people suffering with chronic pain..

More and more information coming forward that Acetaminophen is not as safe as we were once told…

This new drug Zohydro give not only long acting pain management with a existing drug but an advantage for people with impaired liver or other liver issues.

Yes, Zohydro is going to have up to TEN TIMES the typical HCD/APAP 5mg/325/mg but it comes is several strengths 10mg, 15mg,20mg,30mg,40mg,50mg with the lowest dose equal to the highest HDC/APAP 10mg/325mg that is available.. but .. it is short acting/immediate release.. not good for 8-12 hrs like Zohydro.

It was recently reported that a estimate 25 million doses of opiates “disappear” from our system annually

Are we talking “small potatoes ” here ?

Who believes that with Zohydro being on or off the market.. will make a measurable difference in the number of  people who are diverting/abusing some substance?

I guess that these three members of Congress would rather.. let people who abuse some substance(s)… take a handful of HCD/APAP  at one time .. to get the a equal amount of HCD.. and put their livers at risk… so that when their abuse ends up with liver failure and our society will have to pay for their healthcare… because. by the time that they get to this point.. they are probably indigent and our benevolent society will just foot the cost… because we have so much compassion… but.. that compassion does not seem to extend to all those living in chronic pain…

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