THEY DON’T CARE… send them a letter, email, text, fax, call their office

Everyone needs to understand, the primary job of a politician or bureaucrat is to perpetuate and grow the bureaucracy.  It was recently announced that we now have TEN TIMES the government that we had 100 years ago.. Even though our population has only increased three fold. It is estimated that we have 10 -15 million laws/rules/regulations to help to obey the TEN COMMANDMENTS  and Congress typically adds 300 new laws every year.

Some people believe that their Federal Representative or Senators cares about what they think.. so people write, email, call, faxes their concerns to their elected officials. In turn they will be a vaguely worded response which leads the person to believe that their representative agrees with them.

Collectively, Congress has an approval rating in the low single digits.. but.. 90%+ keep getting reelected.

I would bet that if two people sent a email to the same representative on some issue that is not high on the news media’s radar… something like retirement age for social security and one letter stated they were against raising the age and the other they were for raising the age..  Most likely each will get a letter back supporting their position…  Suggesting that your elected official is like a flag in the breeze.. points in the direction the wind is blowing at that moment. THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH !

Recently the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has decided to get into the war on drugs game…  I guess they can’t resist trying to get a piece of the 51 billion dollars spent on the war on drugs.. I find it strange that a Fed group that is suppose to deal with DISEASE CONTROL.. is getting into limiting the amount of medication that can be used to treat a chronic disease.

I participated in their conference call on these new opiate prescribing guidelines.. IMO,  Barnum & Bailey could not have put on a better THREE RING CIRCUS  THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH !

You can contact the DEA… they will readily state that they are not healthcare providers.. they are law enforcement … but ..they seem to determine what prescribers and medical practices are kosher.

They are only authorized and interested in enforcing The Harrison Narcotic Act 1914, The Control Substance Act 1970 and the court decision in 1917 that opiate addiction is an of itself is a crime.  All it takes for them is to find a couple of “bad apples” in a prescribers practice to have probably cause to raid and shut down the entire practice.  All the rest of the legit pts in the practice are just unfortunate collateral damage..  because the DEA is just doing their job and enforcing the law. THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH !

You can file complaints with the Board of Pharmacy, but unless they get a overwhelming number of complaints .. they are just going to consider a low number of complaints as addicts/junkies just unhappy because they can’t get their next fix. THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH !

You can call the HQ of a pharmacy chain and they will tell you that they cannot force a Pharmacist to fill a Rx.. but.. they can – and do – put corporate polices in place that will encourage pharmacist to deny filling your Rx. Since the major pharmacy chains have been increasing their revenues and profits..  THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH !

This whole issues started with The Harrison Narcotic Act 1914 and the court’s ruling in 1917 and The Controlled Substance Act… the genesis is from Congress and our judicial system. The easiest way to kill a SNAKE is to cuts its HEAD OFF !

All these bureaucrats and healthcare professionals believes that all of these pts with subjective diseases ( pain, anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, mental health) are physically, emotionally, financially exhausted/bankrupt.  They are like the school yard bully.. they keep doing what they like to do because no one has showed up to stop them.  THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH !

This downward path seems to have started 5-7 yrs ago and I don’t think that we have reached the bottom of this path yet and am not sure how much longer it will take to get to the end. All I now that there is going to be a lot more pt suffering and suicides before that point has been reached.

You can create dozens or hundreds of new Face book pages or webpages expressing your concerns about how our healthcare system is treating you..

You can create dozens or hundreds of on line petitions… and have a few hundred people sign them…

All it will do is show those who are overseeing this war on pts that your are totally disorganized and that will work in their favor… and they will never have to answer for their actions or have to change the way in which they operate and abuse all those legit pts… THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH !


5 Responses

  1. LesPaul1963 I really enjoyed your experience. I too think we need to help one another because the gov. is not going to. I really feel the gov. doesn’t care in fact I know they dont

  2. I saw a wrinkled, sun-faded rear window sticker on a pickup truck a few years back that sums this up perfectly. I will redact it slightly due to crass language, but not too much, as the language informs the impact in the expression of the idea:

    Roses are Red and Violets are Blue
    The State and Its Minions
    Don’t Give a F*ck About YOU

    The window sticker described above was in the lower left corner of the window and in the lower right corner was a Gadsden Flag Sticker. I was behind the driver for a couple of stoplights and eventually changed lanes so that I was along side of him on his left for one more light before he turned right to head towards wherever he was headed. The truck had Wyoming plates, and as I recall was a Ford F-150 that was produced when Nixon was in office. The owner appeared to be an older gentleman (older being a relative term as I’m already middle aged). He was wearing a fleece lined denim jacket and a Stetson style hat was on his head. In spite of the morning chill, he had his window halfway down and I could hear the wisps of an old Patsy Cline song, “Never No More” emanating from the cab. I still remember this all clearly as the passive encounter made an impact on me. There was nothing particularly odd or different about the encounter, except for that window sticker with the four letter profanity. It’s not the inclusion of that word that was so unusual that this moment was burned into my brain, but rather the idea that made for a remembrance of an otherwise banal encounter on a road that passes though the middle of my smallish foothill town, that’s maybe two hours from the Pacific Ocean.

    As I continued to drive to my destination that chilly Spring morning, I recalled my father telling me, shortly before I headed to the polls to vote for the very first time, that the elected officials who sit in the seats of power at all levels of government are really just reflections of who we are as a people. It occurred to me that, We the People, are the ones who do not care about each other. We the People have become so self-absorbed that the government, this body of men and women who presume to rule over us in such apathy for the condition of their fellow citizens, is really just an amplified, concentrated reproduction of us.

    Now one could argue that it is the nature of government officials and bureaucrats to not give two hoots in Hell for the common man. I suppose that there is truth in that notion. Still, I believe it has gotten much worse. I reckon that the old man in the old Ford pickup had figured this out long ago and had affixed the sticker in the window to share this truth with anyone on the road who was close enough to read the three line bit of prose. The solution to this apathy is present and yet obscured within those three lines is this. It is first up to us to start caring about each other, to stop being so self-absorbed, and, dare I say, narcissistic about our own creature comforts, conveniences and dissipations in life. Only then will the relative level of apathy in the city halls, in the state houses and governor’s mansions and within the Beltway decrease to a level where those ensconced on the thrones of power will respond to issues related to the health and well being of the individuals that make up the weak and powerless minorities in our society.

    If we want this to change, we each have to look in the mirror and be willing to perform a scathingly honest inventory of who each of us really is, without excuses and without rationalizations. We must be willing to commit to go forth into each day that we are given and find someone who is worse off than we are; trust me, they are not hard to find. We must be wiling to make a sacrifice, even if it’s to give up that $5.00 Starbucks caffeinated creation that day, and do something meaningful for that less fortunate that we encounter to make their day a little better. Part of this exercise requires one to not cast judgement as to their circumstances or how they got there. The exercise is to just make their day better in some tangible, meaningful way. Depending on the State, who we have already established does not care for the individual, to perform these very acts of benevolence is evidence of a case of denial at the least and insanity at the worse. No, this Apathy of the State will not go away overnight. It didn’t get to where it is in a single day and it will take time to overcome the present inertia and redirect this massive creation towards the quality of compassion. Writing letters and making more noise than anyone else hasn’t fixed this, and alone these exercises will not repair this broken machinery in our society. Sitting down and writing a check to a charity to perform this suggested, daily exercise, while commendable and necessary will not get the job done either. Take the next logical step. Committing to a regularly scheduled outreach like a shelter, a soup kitchen or some other established group that administers succor to the less fortunate is another way of accomplishing this restoration to ones own soul.

    One has to be engaged on a personal level. It is only when we, as individuals, empathize with the plight of others and look them in the eye as we personally render aid, do we have restored in us that bit of humanity that has been dead, lost or has been dormant, asleep in an egocentricity-induced coma. This humanity lost is what is wrong, what is missing from the halls of government and from the offices that administer the laws, the directives and policies of the Leviathan State. If we expect the Beltway Behemoth and its state and local affiliates to care for the health and welfare of us, we have to demonstrably show that we care for us first.

  3. I know this to be absolutely, unequivocally the truth. However, I feel our society spiraling into this abyss of complete soullessness, devoid of any humanity or compassion. We have become a society who discards people if they are weak, poor, sick, old, or in any way vulnerable. What can be done?! I’ve contacted every congressman, politician, news station, I’ve written and spoken out on this issue ad nauseum. What is left??

  4. I truly feel its useless unless a few hundred people make a lot of noise. The government is way to big and they feel they “ARE DOING THE GREATER GOOD” which is hogwash! At this point in my chronic pain I don’t care if a few drug addicts die because they cannot control themselves. They break the law and I suffer. WHY. If you are gonna allow cigarettes and alcohol then the government truly doesn’t care!

    • Awesome, the addicts chose their paths when they started taking the drugs simply to get high. We didn’t chose our paths when we were struck down by chronic pain. Steve said it best when he said that the definition between addiction and dependency is totally screwed in government bureaucracy. The bad thing about our situation is that our issues aren’t yet important to the number of votes they get for fighting against terrorism or other issues plaguing our country. Unfortunately politicians could care less about you or me, their single most important mission is to simply get voted into office and they are only going talk about what people care about and we don’t represent enough votes yet. Or do we?

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