The DEA has had FIVE DECADES and what have they accomplished ?

I shared this post a couple of days ago Watch your back    We now know  that since 2016 with the CDC guidelines there has been a concerted effort by the DEA/DOJ to reduce the number of  opiates being prescribed. Here is a old graphic I dug up from the library that I have accumulated since I started my blog in 2012. This particular graphic has a 2014 date on it, and it shows 16K OD/yr.  Last year it has been stated that 110,000 OD FOR ALL DRUGS/MEDICATIONS and we know that Rx opiates have been reduced some 60% from their peak in 2011-2012.  Here another recent post  of interest  Scott Oulton, deputy assistant administrator of the DEA’s Office of Forensic Sciences: The problem Isn’t with pills prescribed by your doctor and dispensed by a pharmacy – it’s the pills on the illicit market. 

 Here is another post that suggests that some 2-3 Billion illicit Fentanyl tablets are getting to our street annually as the DEA/border patrols claim to have seized/confiscated 379 million illegal fentanyl tablets in the last year.

That 110,000 OD’s in a single year is about TWICE the number of our young soldiers were killed in our 12-14 yrs involvement in the Vietnam war , and we build monuments to honor those deaths. Our country has been at this “war on drugs” for over FIVE DECADES.  Probably the only people who would continue to believe that we have made progress is those whose paycheck depends on the war on drugs continuing.

Maybe it is time that we change our laws. It should not be hard to figure out that someone was caught with > one Kilogram of illegal fentanyl powder or > 10,000 illegal fentanyl tablets …their intention is 99%+ for distribution.  How many deaths will result from this person(s) transporting these illegal poisonous substances ?  Here is an example from July 2022 Alleged drug traffickers released from California jail days after caught with 150K illegal fentanyl pills      who believes that these two “bad boys” are not going to go back and get more illegal fentanyl tabs and try to get them back on to our streets and cause some of our innocent citizens to OD/poisoned by what/how they making a living ?

What if our federL laws were changed, and well advertised, if you are caught being a “drug mule ” you will be executed on the spot.  How much of a difference is there between a drug mule and some guy that goes into some public place and starts shooting up the place.  People die, and if the shooter doesn’t commit suicide, the cops will most likely take them out.

If we implemented such a program, I wonder how easy it will be for the cartels to find someone to transport illegal drugs into our country ? The amount of illegal drugs coming into our country and getting to our streets and killing our citizens, might dry up considerably. It will never be zero, but cutting it in half, could save 40,000 lives a year, maybe more.

I asked CHATGPT:  how many people are kill with guns every year in USA:

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 43,559 firearm-related deaths in the United States in 2020. This includes both intentional and unintentional deaths, as well as deaths from legal intervention. Of those deaths, 24,090 were classified as suicides and 19,383 were classified as homicides. The remaining deaths were due to accidental or undetermined causes.

It’s worth noting that the number of firearm-related deaths in the United States can vary from year to year and can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as changes in gun laws, rates of firearm ownership, and levels of violence in society.

There are some bureaucrats/politicians who would like to repeal our 2nd Amendment – the rights to bear arms.  Yet, OD/poisoning of all drugs is approaching THREE TIMES the number of people killed with guns. If count just HOMICIDES … it is nearly SIX TIMES.

I heard – several times – on the TV today, a 3 college kids got shot/killed at a university in Michigan… but did anyone hear about the 200 – on average – who died today from using illegal Fentanyl ? I am sure before the day is over, I will hear from some/many politicians/bureaucrats about our need for more GUN CONTROL.

4 Responses

  1. From this day forword no CDC or DEA agent shall recieve any opioid pain medication for any kind of pain and lets see how that works out after they have been shot and lost a arm a leg or a devastating wound to the back!!!
    We need 25 million pain patients jumping up and down on their perfectly good spines until they cave in!!!!!
    Ted Cole

  2. Alcohol and Nicotine should be added to the deaths that are being ignored also. For some apparent reason these so called professionals can’t figure out how to separate each
    individual death so they lump them together to make their statistics work for them!
    Ted Cole

  3. Executed on the spot, eh Steve? Doesn’t sound like a USA I’d care to live in.

  4. That’s what I, and has been about–getting the laws changed, specifically getting the Controlled Substance Act repealed. When that happens, hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised people will be citizens again, able to work at a decent job, vote, etc. Attacked medical professionals will get their licenses restored. Records swept clean. And the entire point of the CSA was attacking minorities. Drugs are not the cause of addiction. So get behind what is doing the work to end this atrocity. Join the communication campaign on

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