The CDC and their fabricated data ?

A little forced honesty from their new report released 8/31/18:

Opioid deaths:
14,487 out of a total of 325.7 million people in the US died in 2016 from LEGAL PRESCRIPTION opioids.
That’s .000004% of the population! Now why is there a hysteria over PRESCRIPTION opioids?

Good question!

Especially when alcohol related deaths are
88,000 of 325.7 million. That’s a much BIGGER number!!
Yet… No hysteria over alcohol

1.3 million people are injured with 35,000 that die in car wrecks per year. Just to give you a reference. A WAY BIGGER number. No hysteria over that. (edited.)

Hmmm. 🤔

Maybe it’s because this is how they reported opioid deaths to the media:

‘Drug overdose deaths in 2016 reached a NEW RECORD HIGH.’
‘Drug Overdose Mortality:
A RECORD NUMBER of drug overdose deaths occurred in 2016: 63,632,
A RECORD 19.8 PER 100,000 PERSON’S.’
(19.8/100,000 is still only .0001% but it looks BIGGER reported this way.)

Sounds like everybody is dying from opioids doesn’t it? Now why did they say 66,632 died when I said 14,487 up top? That’s a BIG difference!

Well…CDC combined LEGAL, law abiding citizen prescription opioid deaths, with ILLEGAL heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl deaths!
Why would anybody want to DO that?
It’s kind of misleading isn’t it?
Well…it makes a BIGGER NUMBER.

Where’s all the hysteria and ‘crisis’ for the 1,300,000/325,700,000 each year DYING of car wrecks!!? I can make that sound awful! And it is! But it’s still only .003% of the population and people have decided it’s worth the RISK:BENEFIT RATIO to drive. And the government lets them.

Because of the way the CDC reported opioid deaths, and others’ agendas, a wildfire of hysteria resulted, causing disabled by pain patients to lose their opioid medicine, their ability to function, their dignity as they are treated like drug addicts, and any quality of life. Imagine an Ice cream headache 24/7/365 covering different parts of your body. You can’t think with this type of ceaseless pain. You want to die.

This is something that is personal and each person has to decide the risks they take in life. Risks are everywhere, and people have to decide if something is worth the benefit. It’s called ‘informed consent’ when you know of the risk before you take it.

Shouldn’t people in agonizing pain be able to decide if the RISK:BENEFIT RATIO of .000004% is worth the benefit of being able to get out of bed and function? Work? And not want to die from tortuous pain?

Doesn’t make sense, single moms are facing homelessness as they can no longer work due to unbearable pain, MS, lupus, etc etc; also Vets who risked their lives for our country with painful injuries, now lie there wanting to die. Elderly people lie there sobbing with NO RELIEF, day after day, wishing they would die. Where’s the hysteria over that?

We have no voice. People/media listen to those in power. Not the multitudes suffering at their hands. Please share the TRUTH.

ALL the above information can be found here: Where things are in context. A LOT harder to get information here than in the hysteria promoting news. And they’re counting on that apparently.

Reference 2018 ANNUAL

5 Responses

  1. I’m so sick of hearing about the damn opioid crap. Ok first off I’m a chronic pain patient also they not only cut my meds down to hardly anything totally took me off one med didn’t cut it down just cut it off and I have been on it for many years for pain. Not to get HIGH to live a semi normal life. And what I want to no is why I’m the hell are they not doing away with fentyl? That’s the most cause of opioid deaths lately yet they are still giving it out why? Leave us people alone who have to function on pain pills alone and pull all the fentyl off the shelf’s so people can’t lace that crap to pills or what ever they are lacing it too. Because of the stupidity of the DEA doctors etc more people normal middle class people are having to buy pills on the streets or go to herion. They are left with no choice thanks to these idiots whom I’m sure none of them have to live each day in chronic pain so it’s easy for them to be killing all of us off. And who is going to take responsibility for all the deaths of pain suffers killing them selfs or over dosing on street drugs? But of course they won’t report that to none of us. And they are not telling us the truth when it comes to the overdoses because they are counting all the overdoses that got laced with fentyl and drugs they really need to pull off the shelf’s not pain pills . It makes me so damn mad . There has to be a way to stop these idiots for what they are doing . If so let me no please. I got cut down to a pill a day from having a time release etc and all within a month so the with draws are unbearable along with the chronic severe pain I have to deal with every waking minute. If I didn’t have kids I would just end it myself but unlike my dad who did take his life I couldn’t do that to my kids . So I suffer I guess. What has this world come to I use to be proud to be a American but not so much anymore. We are not so free anymore. I feel sad for my grandkids what kind of world they are going to have and there kids. We have to stop this and soon before it’s to late . Sincerely

    • It is not the Legal Fentanyl that is the problem, I know a person been on these patches for over 5 years no Problems, It is this Synthetic Illegal Fentanyl from what I can figure by reports is like 100X more potent then the legal Fentanyl. Something like the size of grain of salt will kill even those whom are Opioid Tolerant.

  2. As always my Brother Steve THANK YOU so very much. For having a strong and clear voice, to pierce the darkness; to cut through the fog of deception. In the end, Truth will seek the Light.
    For all that you post; for all the information, you combine, and share the Chronic Pain Community is stronger. Their deception, clouds and weighs down on us. It also gives our families and friends who care about us, false information. But, again that is why I am Thanking You. We are able to use this information, to educate those who would use the false numbers to justify their actions, from caring about us to cutting our med’s. If anyone is going to quote numbers, they need to use the correct ones.

  3. It really doesn’t matter what the statistics collected or fabricated are, as long as people think that drugs cause addiction. They need to learn the REAL cause, which I teach on, and people can get the DVD by becoming a member. Then, and only then, with counteracting the propaganda, we can win in court.

  4. Steve,
    You are a force to be reckon with! Love it!

    Is there any way for you to get your always honest & excellent reports, including “The CDC and their fabricated data?” to Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the Commissioner of the FDA? Is there a way you could pack your strongest information together in a post, so we can send it to our Senators and Congressmen, ourselves?

    You’ve got such excellent information and numbers to validate accurate data. You’re able to refute the craziness this country must listen to surrounding the use of opiates for chronic pain. It’s like a communist country here. Our government officials keep playing back the same crappy data leading us to believe we are all a bunch of drug addicts (which by the way they are doing no service to, either). They just don’t have a clue and they won’t dispense the real information like you do. Or likely they do know and as communist countries do, they lie!

    Can you help us get your good stuff together, so we can work to help inform our government idiots?

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