The Addict is Not Our Enemy

The Addict is Not Our Enemy

By Fred Kaeser, Guest Columnist

A number of people in chronic pain support the plight of those with addiction. Yet, over the past year and a half, I have read any number of derogatory statements and comments here on Pain News Network and on its corresponding Facebook page about people who are dealing and struggling with addiction.

Even a cursory review of the comment section on different articles will reveal rather quickly any number of folks who are dismissive of those dealing with addiction. Some express a real hatred.

One person actually suggested letting “all the druggies overdose, one by one.”

Another laments that “addicts can’t die quick enough for me.”

Some express a sort of jealousy over addicts getting better treatment than they: “It’s good to be an addict” and “Maybe I’d be better off being an addict.”

And then there are those who got all shook up over Prince’s overdose, not so much from his death, but because it was linked to an opioid and that it might make it harder for them to obtain their own opioid medications.

And to think these comments come from the same people who beg others to better understand and accept their own need for better pain care!

It wasn’t very long ago that the “drug addict” was scorned and forgotten: the druggie on the dark-lit street corner or the drunk in the back-alley. Pretty much neglected and left to fend for themselves.

But that started to change in the ’70s and ’80s, and nowadays the person suffering from addiction is recognized as someone who suffers from a very complex disease, is quite sick, and struggles to access the necessary care in order to recover. Societal attitudes towards those with an addiction now reflect empathy and a desire to help, as opposed to denunciation and dismissiveness.

We chronic pain patients are looking for the same acceptance and understanding that addicts were desperately seeking just a few short years ago. And that struggle took many, many decades, one might say centuries, to achieve. Our struggle is similar, and my guess is if we keep our eyes and focus on reasonable and rational argument, we too will achieve success in our struggle to obtain acceptable pain care and understanding.

But if some of us continue to see the enemy as the person who has an addiction, our fight for justice will suffer and be delayed.

Why? Because the addict is not very different from us.  Irrespective of the reason why a drug or substance user becomes addicted, the addict just wants to feel better, just like us. The addict is sick, just like us. The addict wants relief from pain, just like us. Perhaps not from physical pain, but emotional and psychic pain. The addict wants proper medication, just like us. The addict needs help and assistance, just like us.

And sometimes the pain patient is the addict. Sometimes we are one in the same. A recent review of 38 research reports pegs the addiction rate among chronic pain patients at 10 percent. From a genetic predisposition standpoint, we must presume that some addicts have become addicted just because of their genes, just like some of us.

No one with an addiction started out wanting to become addicted, just like none of us wanted chronic pain. And while our government is trying to figure out how to minimize the spread of opioid addiction, it is not the addict’s fault as to how it has decided to that.

In many ways those suffering from addiction are not very different from us who suffer from chronic pain. We both struggle for acceptance, we both require empathy and understanding from the world around us, and we both require treatment and proper care to lead better and more productive lives.

But, I firmly believe that as long as there are those of us in chronic pain who feel compelled to ridicule and demean those who are addicted, that we will only delay our own quest to receive the empathy we so justly deserve in our journey towards adequate pain care.

Empathy breeds empathy, and if we expect it for ourselves, we must be willing to extend it to others. And that includes the addict. 

15 Responses

  1. It’s important not to judge. I feel that everyone has a basic human right to receive appropriate care for physical pain, anything else is torture. We live in a society where the pandemic of infectious disease is not addressed and treated in a timely manner, leaving countless people to suffer and develop chronic disabilities. The symptoms can mimmic everything from mental illness to MS, Lou Garigs, Lupus, and a host of other diseases.
    The world is in a chaotic crises from failed leadership and constant “shock en awes” It wouldn’t surprise me if people who didn’t have PTSD before don’t have it now. American politics has a way of dividing and conquering us as a means to not draw attention to what they are doing behind closed doors. I do not understand the word “Addiction” as the new diagnostic manual has eating disorders under “Addiction” I am sure that former president Obama created his Healthcare Reform Act from the philosophy of Dr, Ronald Heifetz, [a Harvard Surgeon turned Psychiatrist], and whose belief is that most people on disability are “Addicts” This is where Obama got his “recovery” model from, as well as a narrowly focused Addiction philosophy. The resulting “shortages” of a diverse group of medications “disappeared” without warning or notice and many people died cruel and unnecessary deaths. I find the label of addict for those of us with co-occurring diagnoses both dangerous and insulting.
    The situation is so ugly and unconstitutional as to have people with legitimate chronic pain going to the street to save their sanity, and find some reprieve. Pain is a warning sign that something is not right, what changed ? If a person identifies with the label of Addict and develops chronic pain, they should be treated for it. The same rules don’t apply for those in congress, as they have written themselves out from the rules everyone else is subject to. Only Sadists and Psychopaths can observe suffering and not want to help. We are in a state of emergency when people with chronic pain are denied medication that is humane and compassionate and left with “A Last Option” No-one should ever be in a position to have to make that final decision. God created opiates and other medicinal plants for a reason No human-being should have the power and authority to play god.

    • JMO,,,AMEN,,AMEN,,AMEN,,,who-ever u r,,,u nailed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god created our bodies to feel physical pain,and our bodies to reciprocate lessening physical pain w/the poppy flower,,,,our bodies our designed to accepted that flower,,,not reject it,,,,if we are in physical pain,,it lessen’s the physical suffering,,,no surprise there,,as any real god would NOT want his design,,his living entitiy he designed to needlessly suffer,,and since it fatually,factualy and ,truly is impossible for anyone to physically feel the physical pain of another,,NO-ONE,,,NO-ONE…NO-ONE has rite to decide who suffers and who does not,,,and this is where our government made their mistake,along w/the field of medicine…most of us were forced to seee a shrink BEFORE receiving medicine to lessen physical pain,,,why????Why do shrinks think they have that rite to decide who suffers in physical pain and who does not??This is 1 reason I dislike,distrust the entire field of psychiatry,,It is not based on any fact, any scientific fact,,,it solely based on a mans opinion,,,witch is inhumane in my book,,,Like that commentatore who said,”they gave someone 50 percocets for a sprained ankle,”’ SOOO WHAT!!!,, can she feel that person physical pain,,,no,,,Does she know if he/se can even get a appointment w/a doc ,,that won’t be a month away,,,,its not her place at all to decide how much is appropaite at all,,,this is why doctors make that decision,,,not some lay person arrogant enough to think 50 percocets is tooo much for a sprained ankle,,,mind your own business,,its not your place to decide who suffers and how much we are tooo suffer in physical pain from a medical condition,,,Percocet are one of the weakest meds out there,,,doesn’t it have mostly tylenol in it??point being,,i don’t know,,thus NOT MY PLACE to decide how much,inturn who suffers in physical pain and who does not..This whole comparison was wrong from the get goo,,U NEVER COMPARE ADDICTS TO TRUE CHRONIC PAIN PEOPLE,,,U KNOW WHY,, there very premise to compare,,will forced a humanbeing to suffer in untreated physical pain,,thats a fact,,,soo you mind your own dam business and stop opening your mouth about issues that will cause other humanbeings to suffer in physical pain,,,u don’t have that rite to force another humanbeing to suffer,,,that is why u never compare true chronic physical pain people to a addict,,,,people suffer,,,,if u do,, that torture your comparisons has caused is inhumane,,For over 100 years in this country,,other generations understood,,the person medical issues were private,,it was not anyones place to question your private medical issue,your private use of MEDICINES,,all of sudden come the year 2000,,,everyone thinks they have this rite to bud into my private medical issues,,,no,, its not your rite to bud into other people private medical issues,,,stay out of it,,,NOT YOUR BUSINESS AT ALLL,,u know why,,not your body!!! and people die,suffer in physical pain because ,”they” think it is their business to bud into our PRIVATE medical concerns,,,and because ,”they” think it ok to bud in,,,,people are dieing!!!!!!!!!!suffering in god aweful pain,,because some arrogant ass think they have that rite!!!!!!Some parent wants REVENGE for their adult offsprings poor choice or brain compulsions,,how would they like if i told them how to burry their kid??!!!,,,not my business,,,just like its no-ones business of any ADULTS,,, private medical issue/decision,,maryw

  2. Fred, I understand your article and agree with your position. Anger directed toward drug users who use drugs for the “high” and then get addicted to that drug deserve help, not anger. Education of doctors, patients and the public about the difference between these two groups would be helpful. I use narcotics for pain, my doc has warned me about the CDC’S new guidelines and I have had to change my pills, only in that I was taking 1 diazipam at night to help with sleep (most of pain and sleep problems are from fibromyalgia) and I can’t take that because it is dangerous, even though I have been taking both for over 25 years. I found that the supplement Melatonin can help one sleep. (fyi) I take pain meds as well. No supplement will help that. Have taken same drugs for 24 years, no problems.
    To those who feel anger: this anger only feels good for a few minutes, and anger never helps anything. Feel your feelings, allow yourself to rant, rave, beat up a pillow and then cry. Chronic pain is hard, horrible, it takes our life from us, I understand, chronic pain over 30 years. Chronic constipation from the drugs, no fun.
    People who are addicted to drugs only for the high, no pain, are in their own special hell. They are not in control. They don’t purposely get addicted to make our lives harder, that blame goes to our government agencies . And now doctors are not allowed to help us pain patients like they were able to, they feel like they are hog tied, my doctor said to me “my hands are tied!” Read this article again, with new eyes. I feel for all of us, whether that helps you or not….and so did Fred.
    Loving kindness to all, maryw, damnitwtf, connie, mary, george, jenifer
    Judy Underwood

    • I respectfully DISAGREE,, for the reason I mentioned early,,,it would be 1 thing,,if they said,,,Im a addict,,,its my responsibilty,,as to why I am addict,,I have a ,”issue” in my brain w/compulsion,,,thus my responsibility,,but noooooooooooooo,,,instead of taking on that resposibilty for their brains,,as adults,they blame MY DOCTORS,,MY MEDICINEand become INFORMANTS FOR THE DEA,,again using my hard earned tax dolllars,thus taking away my ability to get that medicine,thus making 1000’s of humanbeing to suffer in physical pain from a medical illness,,Thus taking away our doctors,destroying their lives,,how many chronic pain people have DIED because their medicine was forcible taken from them w/,”save thee addict,,destroy the doctors propaganda??,,,I have physical pain,,due to many reason,,I could of sued many doctors,,i did not,,i gave them ,”informed consent,” as a adult,,,a responsible ADULT,,at any time I could of said ,,NO,, I disagree w/your assortments,,,again my decision from my brain,,,my responsibility,,,Again,,great,your an addict,,fine,,take responsibility for the failure in your brain,,,,but don’t go and blame MY DOCTORS,MY MEDICINE,,, for your ,”brain issue,”,,,,cause it has caused our government to take thee attitude we as a adult people can’t control ourselves,thus taking away MY FREEDOM AS A ADULT TO CHOOSE THE type of medical care for MY body,,,,maryw

  3. Wow. From the answers above it is obvious that their is a lack of understanding of what addiction is and how it can control every fiber of someone’s being. As far as apathy many complain they get no support or people don’t understand. But why should they when you cannot do it on your own. When someone goes though a 12 step program for treatment one of the most important part of the program is to tell your wrongs, make amends and take responsibility. However some rehabs have moved away from this and gone in the opposite direction. I blame the medical community for that. I blame the medical community for giving someone 50 perocet’s for a sprain ankle. I blame the States especially FL who saw masses of people lining up outside of pill mills and they did nothing for years. The bottom line is that many became addict on the medication even though the orginal reason for being on the opiate long passed and kept on getting the pills due to denial that they have a problem. You see when a addict is in the throws of addiction their mental illness allows them to deny they really have a problem until for some it is to late. It is a Chronic disease and at any time the addict in recovery is faced with thoughts one pill or hit or drink won’t hurt . It could happen at a wedding or during a boring TV show. For some the thought is a fleeting moment for others especially when first getting sober, it is as constant as are own physical pain. When addicts tell there story they tell how they started. Unfortunately for some it was when the doctor gave them the medication for a legitimate reason. Those are facts and yet knowing many doctor just handed out pills to who ever to ask. You see the difference between a addict and just someone dependant on opiate is that the addict has only one thing on his mine and that is to get high.Some will lose there family, friends, health, home, job, self-esteem and even life. The point for those who don’t understand, is they cannot control the compulsion just as we cannot control our pain. Bitter angry hearts never healed anyone.

    • So Jenifer,,I should suffer physical pain from a medical illness because u are an addict and blame MY doctors,,for having the compassion for you to not make u suffer in physical pain from a medical illness when u needed medicin to lessen your physical pain??!!!Is that your body??r u over 18???It would be 1 thing if u stated,,I was given a medicine to lessen my physical pain from a sprained ankle,,and because of YOUR INABILITY to decide for yourself to stop taking that medicine,,i became a addict,,,but NOOOOOOOOOOO,,, u blame my doctors,,that where i get angry,,,that doctor did not shove those pills down your throat,,,he gave them to you as a adult,,WITH YOUR ,”INFORMED CONSENT,” AS AN ADULT,, IN GOOD FAITH,,,YOU’D BE RESPONSIBLE W/THEM….U WERE NOT,,,, because addicts do not take the responsibility for their own minds,,,then blame MY DOCTORS,MY MEDICINE,,, people w/severe physical pain are now being FORCED TO ENDURE PHYSICAL PAIN FROM A MEDICAL ILLNESS,,,50% OF DOCTORS HAVE STOPPED BEING COMPASSIONATE ENOUGH TO LESSEN PHYSICAL PAIN,,,BROKEN LEG,TO BAD,,,,, how is forcing the medically ill to endure physical pain humane??Like I said,,your an addict,,,fine,,,take that decision to continue abusing my medicine onto yourself,,it is your body,,,not my doctors,,you are an adult who gave,,”informed consent ,” to a doctor to treat u as an adult!~!!!,,,maryw

      • pss ,”compulsion,” is an emotion,thus you have the ability in your mind to control an emotion,,physical pain from a physical conditon broken limbs,pancreatitis etc,,a physical condition that causes physical pain is NOT choice,,,break a leg,,it hurts,,,no choice there,,Chronic physical pain from a medical condition is NOT A CHOICE,,IT PHYSICALLY HURT,,ITS CALLED PHYSICAL PAIN,,, we have no choice to stop it,.,.,like any addict has the choice to stop thee emotion of compulsion!! and STOP BLAMING MY DOCTORS AND MY MEDICINES,,,WE ARE LITERALLY DIEING NOW A DAYS,,,FROM FORCED ENDUREMENT OF PHYSICAL PAIN,,,,maryw

  4. The medicine / poison is the only thing we have in common ?
    I have known addicts , they are self centered , will break the law to get their fix . There are many different kinds of addiction not just to medicine and the end result is always getting their fix no matter the costs , only when they get busted or are totally without resources do the addicts seek help . They have had, will have rehab the treatment of addiction , this was never denied .
    We in chronic pain are forced to pay for mandatory health care witch is theft of service to be denied treatment of an illness . We in pain know we have a problem and because we wish not to be a Burdon on loved ones and want to be as productive to society as we can, seek help . No one forced addicts to do their addiction and where never denied treatment .
    To make it worse is you have non medical trained people and organizations practicing medicine to us with out recourse , ( dea ,congress, governors, a surgeon general who never actually practiced medicine ) DENIED , FORCED TO THE TORTURE OF NERVE DAMAGE/CHRONIC PAIN.

    • George Did you know that treatment can cost up to $35,000 for a month. Addicts on the street don’t have insurance nor the money. Social groups try to help out but for free or low cost treatment the wait time can be up to a year. Sending a addict until they have reached there bottom will be a waste. They have to be ready and wanting to go. So when addicts are out of resources many times pushes the addict to think it maybe time to get clean. This is a chronic disease so rehab is not always successful. My stepfather was in treatment about 3 times before it finally took. For some it never works and a life is lost.

      • Did you know ? I’m going bankrupt due to doctors visits ? Did you know, I now have no doctor ? Did you know doctors can charge you outrageous amounts of money and still not treat your illness ?but , hey I’m just collateral damage,my health and money means nothing long as I suffer in pain for an addict ,right ?

        • BINGO George,, AND YOUR PRIZE IS forced endurement of physical pain for the rest of your life,,but hey,,we saved an addict today,,,isn’t that great,,,lets call a spade a spade here…..they go after my medicine,my doctors,,,,reciprocation is called for,,,mary

  5. My ONLY concerned about this issue,,,cause I am not concerned w.true addicts,,,my only concern is,,,how many true chronic physical pain humanbeings have forcible been put in the mix of addicts??forced off their meds,still in physical pain??????the government will never allow that truth to be told!!!!!!!!!MARY

  6. Most of those poor addicts only look for treatment when they have run out of family and friends to leach off of! Doesn’t it strike anyone else as interesting that the more that’s done to help addicts the more there are? In today societal mindset of “it’s not my fault” of course addicts are going to find someone else to blame, it can’t possibly be their fault! Ask addicts what all the clean needle programs do for them and most will say (off the record of course) that it gives them more freedom to use more drugs because it’s safer! Keep the handouts coming for addicts and more people will take advantage, not to get off drugs but to have fewer risks associated with that use.

  7. Uh, Fred is saying that we have a pervasive issue where chronic pain patients are “compelled to ridicule and demean” drug addicts? What?

    I struggle to understand the point of that article as a whole. Especially it just seems wrong from my perspective.

    I also think people should define what their definition of “drug addict” is. I think everyone has their own definition. So you have a bunch of people arguing on their own definition and assuming everyone else thinks their definition is the same as the person they are arguing for or against. Does this not sound completely idiotic?

  8. I see NO ADDICTS STANDING UP FOR US ANYWHERE??!!! I have watched on t.v. ,”addicts in group,” blame my medicine,my doctors everyone but themselves on national t.v…Every single time I see a addict interviewed on t.v.,,EVERY TIME,, I see them blame my doctors,,my medicine,,,”BAD OPIATE BAD OPIATES,,OPIATES DID THIS TO ME,”’,I SEE ON T.V. EVERY SINGLE TIME ADULT ADDICTS PARENTS BLAME MY DOCTORS,MY MEDICINES,,,EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!!! I SEE EVERY SINGLE DAY ON T.V. THE DEA USE THE PLIGHT OF ADDICTS TO KILL fellow CHRONIC PAIN HUMANBEINGS,, just recently getting into a heated email exchange from the doj,,,1st words out of their mouth,,about that poor innocent cancer childe,,1st words out of doj’s mouth,,welllll what about the poor parents of ADULT CHILDREN,,COMPLETE CONTRIDICTION IN WORDS BTW,,,HOW CAN U BE BOTH A ADULT AND A CHILD????!!!!!!Soooo tell me again why I should NOT blame a adult addict?????for the death,torture of us chronic physical pain humamnbeings?????NOT 1,,EVER,,HAS EVER BLAMED THEMSELVES IN THE MEDIA,CDC,DEA,,EVER FOR THEIR ADDICTION EVER,,,THEY BLAME MY MEDICINE AND MY DOCTORS AND TELL THE WORLD ITS MY MEDICINES FAULT,MY DOCTORS FAULT,,THUS,,BLATENLY ADDING TO THE DISMISE OF ALL OUR ABILITY TO GET PAIN RELIEF FOR A MEDICALLY PAINFULL CONDITION,,U MENTION 216 MILLION WAS USED BY DEA TO TRICK DOCTOR,,OR ,”INFORMANTS,” U DO NOT THINK THEY WERE ADDICTS WHO SET-UP DOCTORS??SURE WASN’T SCHOOL GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although I usually do not make nasty comments to addicts,,I FIRMLY BELIEVE [ADULT ADDICTS&,PARENT] are 50% AT FAULT FOR PUTTING US IN THIS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!maryw

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