Thailand drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer, they’re PI*SED | Redacted with Clayton Morris

When the first COVID-19 vaccines came around,  I listen, read, watched anything I could find about these so called vaccines that were being created at WARP SPEED.  I presumed that what the public was being told was just a fraction of what reality was. The first RED FLAG was that these vaccines were going to be put into distribution is less than ONE YEAR… when a new medication typically takes 10+ yrs of clinical trials. Over my FIVE DECADE career, I had seen more new meds pulled from the market after 1-2 yrs because of serious issues that did not appear in the clinical trials has always made me not totally comfortable with just released meds from clinical trials.

Second RED FLAG was that Congress passed a law that imdemified all the pharmas from any liability/collaterate damage from these vaccines.

Third RED FLAG was the vaccines were being released and administered with only a FDA EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) – which in” bureaucratic speak” is that hundred of millions of vaccinations administered  basically under a “unofficial clinical trial”

Fourth RED FLAG was that both of the mRNA temperature storage requirement was going to require up to a MINUS 94 F. that takes some special refrigeration equipment that is not necessarily cheap.

The J&J/Jansen version does not require a storage temp outside of what is normally found in your basic residential/commercial refrigerator/freezer and this version of the vaccine is based on the process that we have used to make our annual flu vaccines for years.  Because of all these factors, I chose for us to get the J&J/Jansen vaccination and booster and since only mRNA versions are now being offered as boosters… we are done with COVID-19 boosters.

5 Responses

  1. In addition, according to a Reuters online article dated 01/08/23, the Thai princess suffered from “severe heart arrhythmia, resulting from inflammation following a mycoplasma infection.” Always check your sources.

  2. As soon as the “reporter” mentioned “Project Veritas”, I immediately stopped the video. If you are NOT a crazy, conspiratorial MAGAt, google that name and find out who
    “PV” are, and the fake, right-wing conspiracies that its’ founder, James O’Keefe, has tried to sell the American people.

  3. I tell my doctors, and even my veterinarian that I want something old and cheap, like myself, LOL when I or my pets are started on a new medication. I, too, have seen too many medications pulled from the shelf.

  4. We chose to not get any jab. It seemed and still seems phony. The whole thing. And seems more so daily. My lib Sisters have gotten anything and everything offered yet they have had covid more than once (and will continue to take more) while we have not had it. Well, verbiage is different now. Max “tested positive.” I couldn’t get the doctor to admit if he HAD it or just tested positive, like testing positive for some disease like tuberculosis means You have been exposed at one time. He was released Nov 4th and November 24th again “tested positive.” He is in a nursing home and I think they get supplementary money for patients who test positive. I made them retest and they said he tested negative the second time.
    I don’t buy it.

    • I do not think these tests are very accurate to begin with. How did they determine how many cases of C-19 there was? How many people kept testing over & over, being counted as new cases? Also, the CDC lied to us about the statistics on opioids, manipulating and manufacturing whatever data that fit their needs. It is all very fishy.

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