Suicide by DEA/judicial system ?

stevemailboxDrs who prescribe large amounts of narcotics are ” red flagged” are constantly being watched and are constantly being investigated. I had a rheumatologist who lost his license for over prescribing narcotics. Two days later he committed suicide. I have had RA since childhood. Every lab test was quite clear for this with all the classic objective symptoms. The most narcotic pain med he ever prescribed for me was hydrocodone 7.5 1-2 tabs a day as needed, only during flares. Now the remaining rheumatologist in this city do not want to prescribe narcotics.

OVER PRESCRIBING is such a nebulous term.. Especially if it is determine by those in the judicial system with no medical background… just a badge, ego and an agenda..

4 Responses

  1. Steve, now we have another death caused by the DEA and more doctors forced to watch their patients suffer. This is the 4 th I believe this year counting the suicide Christmas day directly linked to chronic pain and the lack of treatment. Obviously this poor man choose not to watch his life and patients be destroyed by the DEA. I admit to being terrified that something like this will happen to more as people lose their lives to chronic pain. Had just read about a lady sent home with glass in her foot because a E.R. would not take her seriously. To lose a carrying provider is sickening. I am heartbroken and I don’t even know this man. I pray for his family,patients and that his name will be cleared. Tennessee has posted that they will investigate the top providers and as common sense says that as the providers decrease the list gets shorter. Thanks for letting us know.

  2. We the patients, right along with the Doctors, are collateral damage.

  3. The DEA is not equipped to determine if someone is being so called overprescribed. It’s the amount of medication that we need to maximize pain control for a person who medically needs the meds. It’s individual stupid!

  4. Wow, could not have said it better! Badge, ego, agenda! Beautiful! Really? Overprescribing by giving her two 7.5s a day only during flares! And we are mad at the doctors? When the DEA and our so called justice system can ruin a doctors life! If I were a doctor I think I would be a medical examiner. Can’t hurt and can’t help the dead.

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