should the chronic pain community be ashamed of itself ?

I am a member of this private group 

Shih Tzu Lovers

There is 57,000 members in this private group

Within the last week a woman made a post about having to euthanize her 16 y/o Shih Tzu after becoming suddenly ill…  Those of us who have had pets understand how she feels… we are currently on our third Shih Tzu,, having “adopted” our first Shih Tzu pup about 30 years ago…  and having to euthanize the first two over liver or kidneys failing…  when they were in their mid-teens

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Maybe these Shih Tzu owners have so much activity ..because – unlike the chronic pain community – they don’t have hundreds or thousands of FB pages devoted to the Shih Tzu breed ?

And the chronic pain community questions about their lack of unity… seems like some people care more about their “fur babies” than chronic painers care about each other ?

4 Responses

  1. I think a big part of it is that owners of a common type of pet are far less likely (for whatever reason) to get into power-trip games & publicly release videos crazily slamming other CPPs & people who, even tho they also are in pain, feel like there’s some sort of cosmic competition wherein they have to prove (& have others agree) that maybe others are in SOME pain, but they don’t understand how bad it is for ME!

    So yeah…to varying degrees, I’d say there should be shame in the CP community….we make the Balkan States look like the Mouseketeer Club.

  2. I am constantly writing to someone, Congress, Senate, the Media. I also have (6) Fur Baby’s that are the reason that I am still alive and haven’t given up. We are living in a different world, people blame every
    One else but themselves for their troubles. People become addicted to drugs but instead of using their brains, stop taking the meds when they realize the problem, they continue to take the meds because they love how it makes them feel. Than they turn around and blame the Doctor,
    Pharmacist & the Drug Mfg. for making him an addict.

    Than the DOJ does nothing to stop the fentanyl coming in from China,
    The drug pushers mix the fentanyl with opioids and the addicts overdose by the hundreds. Dr. Andrew Kolodny comes along, and convinces members of the CDC whose family members have drug problems, that opioids are extremely addictive & dangerous. CDC issues false statement, months later retracts statement, but damage already done.

    Chronic Pain Patients are treated like addicts, denied medication,
    abused by nurses, doctors, and pharmacy’s.

    Drug Addicts are treated like Victims, they are even opening special
    Homes for their treatments.

    People are tired of fighting, we did nothing wrong. We have been given a life sentence of never ending pain. We have seen over and over again that people already think that we are the criminals and I don’t
    Think this will ever change because they still can’t see the truth even
    When it’s right in front of them.

  3. When have VERY sick people had to rise up to mass protest? People who want pot can marchand who want police brutality stopped can march or who want freedom to fudge pack. Heck, even the President and every Governor in the country got new legislation in work in mere days for that, they even get the Supreme Court moving in a blink of time.

    On top of that when has the ‘anti-anything’ outcry been as bad as it was and still is for opiates? Now the FDA is getting scolded (or fake scolded promised a cut of pharma suit ‘winning’ for doing nothing) as more letters go out to States med boards and doctors of medicine from the DOJ/AG WHILE they charge more doctors and convict them. If just a few hundred doctors would speak up as one like we already have we’d be much better off – but they are such a selfish, rubbery, self-serving, cowardly, brain dead lot…

    I am too sick to run around and I will remain too sick to run around but I have got a little done. Yes the fur baby love, Corona panic (got WRONG) and trump or Dem hate, etc., in view of what is already an emergency situation, is quite sickening from so many abandoned ‘alleged’ severe pain sufferers and persecuted doctors of medicine.

  4. Im not sure about this. Its late lol an I think my brain goes to sleep earlier than I do.. I can say this unequivocally. I have been saying this to myself for ever it seems…If I could hit the lottery I would buy a big piece of property and build houses for 4 legged friends..If I could I would live in a neighborhood of 4 legged animals.As Im sure most animal lovers no,the empathy love and emotional support they give is matched by no one. Does that make me a bad person for feeling this way? Or have I had enough getting the “screws” put to me by mankind? I might be selfish feeling this way,but like I said there love is unconditional

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