Sessions: DEA to Begin Crackdown on Pharmacies Over Opioids

Image: Sessions: DEA to Begin Crackdown on Pharmacies Over Opioids

The Drug Enforcement Agency will launch a nationwide investigation of pharmacies and prescribers in response to the ongoing opioid crisis, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told agents on Tuesday.

“DEA collects some 80 million transaction reports every year from manufacturers and distributors of prescription drugs. These reports contain information like distribution figures and inventory.

DEA will aggregate these numbers to find patterns, trends, statistical outliers — and put them into targeting packages,

” Sessions said in a speech at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Louisville, Kentucky.


“That will help us make more arrests, secure more convictions — and ultimately help us reduce the number of prescription drugs available for Americans to get addicted to or overdose from these dangerous drugs.”

Last year, there were 42,249 deaths from opioids, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which also found that overdoses from opioids account for more deaths per year than breast cancer.


“We still have a lot more work to do reduce violent crime and turn the tide of the opioid epidemic. That’s why we are also taking steps to decrease the number of overdose deaths,” Sessions continued.


“I have also assigned experienced prosecutors in opioid hot spot districts to focus solely on investigating and prosecuting opioid-related health care fraud. I have sent these prosecutors to where they are especially needed — including Kentucky.”


70 law enforcement members gave Session a STANDING OVATION … because this new program is going to provide them with more “bodies” to fill up the courts and jails and job security for all those in the room.

Within this report 42K died of opiate overdoses and it was stated that Session used the 64K overdose deaths in his presentation. I guess that pseudo-facts serves Session much better to make a point.

They also state that drug abuse increase and increased criminal activity is going hand in hand..   Does this mean that those dealing with the mental health disease of addiction will do just about anything to keep from going into withdrawal – what they call “dope sick” ?

Session is so far outside of his skill set… the above picture – does it suggest a “deer in headlights” look ?

Session is 180 degrees out of sync with the current and previous surgeon general who both has stated that addiction is a mental health issue and not a moral failing.

Nearly all statistics will produce a “bell curve”.. so from this statement from Session… the DEA will TARGET those at “each end of the bell curve” ?  Maybe  this is the same thing that the DEA does with estimated prescriber’s net worth… finding those that have a “above average” net worth and put them into a targeting package… so that they can FABRICATE a case and confiscate the prescriber’s assets using the civil assets forfeiture laws.  It makes sense, that every time that the DEA “takes out” the “biggest prescriber”… the “number two prescriber” becomes the “biggest prescriber”…  Until there is no entries in an array.. there will always be the “biggest” at the top of the array.

5 Responses

  1. Sessions makes no sense since we all know that prescribers are not the problem. Why is it that OD deaths have skyrocketed since the CDC guidelines were implemented? Shouldn’t the opposite have happened? The DEA has reduced the quota for opioids again this year by at least 20% and about the same last year due to less prescribing, yet even more people are dying despite these reductions and the increased use of naloxone.

  2. Well, the potheads are no longer being locked up for using what the fed. gov’t classifies as a schedule 1 narcotic (LMAO!!), but these prisons are NOT going too fill themselves, money is the game here, and they will change ANY law on the books to fill THEIR pockets!! Look at what’s happened with “marijuana”, now just about every state wants in on this multi-billion dollar industry…so now they come after the sick, dying, and those living a horrible life because of medical conditions. We are being treated as lepers, and as such, are being left to hang out too dry (and die?), we need a class action lawsuit against these lawmakers, turning the law upside down so they can fill their pockets! Shame on all of them, and especially the DEA!!

  3. This administration is DANGEROUS. They all need to take a permanent leave of absence…the FDA is now going after anti-diarrhia meds…

  4. Again,,did the truthful data not show,,never-ever has any person who has taken their medicine as prescribe has EVER ended up in any E.R….ever,,soo once again,,they are practice/abuseing their power.authority of the people,,,for their beliefs,,not law,not truth,hell not even morality!!!!THEIR JUST NUTS,,,EXTREMIST PROHIBITIONIST,,HELL BENT ON THEIR REVOLVING DOOR OF $$$$ by MAKING THE INNOCENT CRIMNALS BY CHANGEING DEFINITION,LAWS TO MAKE THE INNOCENT GUILTY,,,,WHERE THE HELL IN THE ACLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!maryw

    • Truthful Data??? When did you EVER know this government to be TRUTHFUL about ANYTHING?? They lied to us since the 1930’s regarding the “dangers of Reefer Madness), and yet, marijuana is still a schedule 1 narcotic (LMAO), but how many states have jumped on this multi-billion dollar industry?? I believe the number is now 10/12 and more are jumping on board every year!! Welcome to the new war on drugs!! (And that is Truthful Data!!)

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