Preexisting conditions and insurance

There has been a lot of discussion recently about pre-existing conditions focusing on the perceived difference between the existing Obamacare and the perception of what the – yet to be passed by Congress – Trumpcare.

Here is a video of Jonathan Gruber – MIT Professor  that was involved in the development  of Obamacare stating that

Americans “Too Stupid to Understand” Obamacare

Keep in mind that before Obamacare started there was some 50 million Americans without health insurance and at Obamacare peak enrollment there was at least 30 million still without health insurance.  It would appear from the start that the timing of the implementation was pre-planned that any failing of the program would not be until after the 2017 election… but … the 2017 premiums and companies staying or pulling out was announced in Oct 2017… BEFORE THE ELECTION…  Some premiums over DOUBLED and many areas had only a SINGLE INSURANCE COMPANY willing to write policies and deductibles were INCREASED…  Those individuals/families that could afford the premiums, could not afford to get any healthcare.. because they couldn’t  afford to pay the deductibles.

Pre-existing conditions and insurance companies declining to provide coverage is common practice in many areas.

If you have numerous vehicle wrecks and tickets… Would you expect any/all insurance companies to write a policy and/or charge you rates that many can’t afford … with all those pre-existing conditions ?

You live along  the Gulf coast, eastern seaboard and you don’t have flood insurance or home owners insurance on your home… there is a hurricaine predicted to hit your area within a few days… you call an insurance agent to get home owners/flood insurance.. they will be happy to sell it to you BUT.. it will not be valid for 30 days.. because of the pre-existing condition of a eminent hurricane.

You are getting ready to apply for SS/Medicare disability and you call an insurance agent to buy DISABILITY INSURANCE…  the company insist on you having a medical exam before they will issue a policy and once you have the medical exam… they decline to issue the policy.. because of pre-existing conditions.

You are just diagnosed with terminal cancer .. and you decide to apply for a life insurance policy… if you are able to “hide” your terminal disease and you get a policy issued… if you die within the first couple of years after the policy was issues.. most likely there would be a search of your medical records and if they found out that you got the policy after being diagnosed with a terminal cancer… you will be lucky if they just give back the premiums that you paid in.

If a person goes on Medicare/Medicaid there is no preexisting exemptions.. because NO FOR PROFIT INSURANCE COMPANY is involved.  Healthcare is a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS… they are not going to write a policy if they believe that doing so will cost them more money than they will collect in premiums.

Until those that are trying to put together something to replace the failing Obamacare .. that if they want everyone to have health care insurance.. then EVERYONE is going to have to pay into the system… or the bureaucracy is going to have to supply supplemental financing …


4 Responses

  1. Yea how much HIGHER is the cost,,,,for pre=existing,,I mean my pre-existig is due to doctors errors,,,I guess I should pay for their mistake??????When it comes to the human body,,,most pre-existing condition ARE NOT A CHOICE,,,OR A LIFE STYLE CHOICE,,,,,LIKE CHOOSING TO LIVE NEAR THE COAST,,,,,,THE HUMAN BODY IS NOT A CAR,,,OR A HOUSE,,,,,IT IS LIVING BREATHING ENTITY W/A SOUL!!!!! Get rid of government programs like the NSA,,OR BLACK OPTS BUDGET,,DEA,,,and 100’s of other alphabet soup agency’s,,,and get rid of retirement for senators etc that only serve 4 years,,,,cut the bloat,NAFTA,,,,,CUT THEE ABUSE of our tax dollars first,,,,,that will pay for health care for alll!!!mary

    • pss,,, and what if because of your chronic condition U HAVE NO MONEY,,, then what???we die,,,rite,,, no biggy,,,,,Now that our meds have been lessen to ineffective dosage we don’t work,,sooo no great loss,,rite?????When we as a society devalue humane life for thee all mighty dollar,,,,,,we alll loose,,,,for the more INHUMANE we become,,the more like animals we become,,,and thats not a civilized society by any stretch of your imaginations..Every other country can have healthcare for all,,,Our own government offers excellent insurance for all federal employees,,,where they never even see a bill,,,,why can’t we have thee exact same as the federal government??mary

  2. From what I understand, it will cover pre-existing injuries as long as one does not let their coverage lapse over 60 days. Of course this could change but I’m hoping not since my post-stroke pain falls into this category.

    Lisa Davis Budzinski
    Central Pain Nerve Center

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