PA: Congresswoman makes emotional reveal on House floor

Congresswoman makes emotional reveal on House floor

Rep. Susan Wild, a freshman Pennsylvania Democrat, revealed her partner’s recent death was a suicide and said she is sharing her story because “I do not want anyone else to suffer.”

6 Responses

  1. “Mental Health” is a pharma marketing scheme. There is no definition of mental health. For most people is means some random pharmaceuticals, prescribed in a 5 minute intake evaluation. The mental health industry turned horror, suicide and despair into a marketing opportunity. The APA spends more time and money researching marketing than doing meaningful research on outcomes. They have been instrumental in blaming individuals for societal problems, and re-framing the increasing distress in this country. People really should look at how they tell their members to market their practices. Instructions include writing a letter to the editor about high fear topics, like suicide, addiction, and mental health.

    This country used to have laws against this kind of content marketing, and marketing to sick or desperate people, for good reason.

  2. Here’s a woman aparently without the mental health needed to stop the suicide of her ‘life partner’ only in hind-sight, recommending ‘mental health’ to stop suicides for EVERYBODY in the general public. Sounds fishy to me.

  3. You know how many kids died in their starving mother’s arms today or were abandoned in a ditch because of the approaching gang of killers or by machete squad today? You want me to cry for some rich boy-man that simply can’t tell when he’s has it good because he’s had it so good for so long? You gonna pass a bill to get my head under YOUR microscope because YOU hang out with dummies? …And then they will pay you what? You wouldn’t say this in front of national TV cameras just to get closure. So what are we suppose to do to stop ingrates from killing themselves because they can’t learn that money doesn’t buy love?
    We need to see that there is no one qualified among the gov to judge what mental health is ANYMORE, or certainly the pain patients would not be dying for the AG money grab for “opioid crisis”, …which also a ‘fatally stupid people’ issue.

    • This woman was on CNN with a similar story.. I just could not get a copy of that video… so I posted the one that I could get a copy of. others have posted that video on several FB pages

      • I like the post because it is a textbook example of how non-experts can move a whole nations view of healthcare – to their doom – in one tear-jerking session. The prosecution at J&J today has dispelled ANY notion I may have had that we will get our medicine back soon. As always thx for your many pertinent posts.

      • My first post was me talking to the lady congresswoman, not you.

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