October 3rd Tweet-a-Thon for #Pharmacist is tomorrow !


Please join pharmacists around the world for a day of celebrating their contributions to health care and our communities. Every day, pharmacists quietly and efficiently help patients in many ways and in many diverse practice settings. For one day, the world will hear about it on Twitter.

On Thursday, October 3, pharmacists will tweet about the real things they are doing or did that day to help patients, other health professionals, and their communities. While every pharmacist faces challenges in the course of his or her practice, this is a day to highlight through social media the positive impact that pharmacists have on their patients and bring attention to the good work they do to help patients live healthier lives.

Did you help a patient save money on their expensive prescription medication?

Did you catch a wrong dosage on a doctor’s prescription, avoiding a potentially dangerous drug interaction or reaction?

Did you resolve an insurance issue for a patient?

Share your experiences with others around the world by tweeting them on Thursday, October 3.


A Tweet-a-Thon is an online event on Twitter where participants focus their tweet content for a specific time period on a particular issue.

On Thursday, October 3, 2013, join thousands of pharmacists across the country and around the world in tweeting about the real things you are doing or have done that day to help patients, other health care professionals, and your community.


On Thursday, October 3, send one or more tweets from your Twitter account describing an action you took that day to help a patient, a health care professional, your industry, or your community.

Be sure to include in your tweet the hashtag used specifically for this event: #Pharmacist.

Tweet Examples (remember to keep your tweets under 140 characters):

I just saved a patient $78 by switching to a generic version #Pharmacist

I taught a mother an easy way to give liquid antibiotics to her daughter. #Pharmacist

I delivered an emergency medication to my patient in the nursing home at 10 pm last night. #Pharmacist

I answered a dr’s question about the best treatment option for allergies. #Pharmacist

I spent 20 min. on the phone w/an insurance company to help my patient save money on his prescription. #Pharmacist

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