No good deed goes unpunished

Fired pharmacist sues Memorial on whistleblower grounds

It would seem that having ethics… into today’s corporate place environment … is not welcomed.

From the article:

Robert G. Smith, who was dismissed in July, alleges he was wrongfully terminated for voicing concerns about the improper storage and dispensing of controlled substances, among other issues in the hospital’s pharmacy.

“We think the violations that he raised were serious and potentially could have led or may have even led to patient harm issues,” said Robert Nicholson, a Fort Lauderdale attorney who is representing Smith in the suit. “It’s unfortunate that the hospital didn’t take them more seriously and instead decided to silence the whistleblower.”

How many of these whistle blower lawsuits are going to have to be filed before corporate pharmacy figures out that some RPH’s have ethics and they refuse to be a “sell out”.. There seems to be a common belief among corporations..  is that nothing is illegal until you get caught doing it.

To quote the Queen of Hearts  OFF WITH THEIR HEADS !!

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