new data suggests that opioid deaths in America are now largely due to an illegal synthetic form of the drug smuggled into the U.S.

There was a time when the opioid crisis was blamed mostly on prescription painkiller abuse. But new data suggests that opioid deaths in America are now largely due to an illegal synthetic form of the drug smuggled into the U.S. One America’s John Hines has more from Washington. Visit us at: Website: Facebook:… Twitter:

4 Responses

  1. And from suicide by people who have had their meds taken away

  2. It’s always been about illegal drugs like heroin and fentanyl. The only deaths prescription related had multiple substances in their system. Leave our Drs alone they didn’t cause this. Let pain patients have their meds back.

  3. So tell me again how Johnson & Johnson contributed to the synthetic illicit fentanyl crisis? For 3 years pain patients have had to endure so much suffering due to skewed CDC Guidelines! Patients in pain deserve their life altering treatments back.

  4. Just gotta throw in there ,”at 1 time due to our doctors over prescribing,” just gotta throw in that little piece of propaganda, don’t they??But who are they,really??Andrew kolodny stated he started all this because ,”we” became too comfortable w/opiates,un quote,”’ So we know he is part of the ,”they”…But who has the $$$$$ to literally get away w/torturing the medically ill to death,and get away w/it?????maryw

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