My doc’s office needed to answer some questions before the pharmacist considered refilling my prescription(s) ?

I really am hoping I can reach out to you. I’m feeling embarrassed about my visit to cvs pharmacy . The pharmacist tore me down emotionally in public today. I don’t know who to ask for help. I see an addiction doc who’s also my primary. I Needed to get back on my medicines to stay healthy. I stopped my meds for a while to have my baby. I went to the cvs I had always went to in my past. The pharmacist denied my scripts @first! Finally she said she would fill only one of them. In the end she said that my doc & I needed to answer some questions before filling my other script & that she was entitled to surpass my HIPAA law being that she’s my pharmacist. My docs office needed to answer some questions before her considering filling it. My doc office said it’s a violation of my HIPAA rights. The problem is she said she’s looking out for my best interest as though it was her decision. She degraded me about taking my anti anxiety med. it’s still hasn’t been filled. Any advice? Also she didn’t refer me to another pharmacist In that location but did put stickers&numbers on the script if I wanted to take it elsewhere she wouldn’t fill either. I felt it was a personal attack & degrading. Please help

According to what this pt wrote… the pt got a unwarranted “second medical opinion” on the therapy the pt has been taking for four years.

The medications involved are both controlled substances but neither was a C-II

One thing that the Pharmacist was correct about is that pharmacists can have access to a pt’s medical records without violating the HIPAA rules.

Most will agree that one of the primary functions of the practice of medicine is the starting, changing, stopping a pt’s therapy.

IMO, it is also inappropriate for a pharmacist to decide not to fill a prescription and not call the prescriber to discuss their concerns. To put the pt in the middle of the issue it is grossly unprofessional.

Since this pt has been on this medication for abt 4 yrs.  The only reason that a pharmacist has the valid reason to refuse to fill a pt’s Rx is because the dose is perceived as too high, the pt’s health records indicates that the pt is allergic to a new Rx and/or there is a significant level one drug to drug interaction.

Who believes that this pharmacist  – if the pt and prescriber jumps thru all the hoops and over all the hurdles this time.. that the pharmacist would not create/fabricate some more hoops and hurdles the next month, when the pt needs for medications  and keep this up month after month until the pt and prescriber gets fed up and the pt takes the Rxs to another store.

Everyone needs to ask themselves the question … should I have to BEG ANYONE to allow me to spend my money in their business ?  Does anyone deserve your business if all they want to do is put unnecessary obstacles between you and your medically necessary medications ?

3 Responses

  1. I have been having a horrible time getting my adhd medication that I have been on since 2014. I have been lied to “we are out of stock” we ordered it but it didn’t come in” and shamed in front of other customers and staff. I had read on phamrmacist Steve’s blog about going to independent pharmacies. My son who is in his 3rd year of medical school had also offered the same advice. I have had so many previous negative encounters the thought of putting myself through it again was nerve wracking to say the least. Today, after weeks of trying to function with an unmediated adhd brain, I finally went to one fi the few local pharmacies in my area. I brought my last 2 years of prescriptions print out and medical records from my initial treating physician who sadly moved out of state. I asked to speak with the pharmacist directly so that I could explain what has been happening at Walgreens and also provide her with the documentation that explains the medication dosages She was the FIRST and only pharmacist who after seeing my scripts took the time to hear the reasons for the prescription and dose I am on she did have me walk down while she pulled up my prescription history in the database and I saw a look exchanged between her and the tech and I had a suspicion what it was for. In Jan I had neck surgery with removal of a vertebra and 3 level fusion for no more than 2 weeks I took pain meds following surgery and then in May I had a left total hip replacement and this time was on pain medicine 4-6 weeks. So when I saw the exchange between the tech and pharmacist I told them of my two surgeries earlier this year. The pharmacist then asked so you are no longer taking the pain medication and I said no not since June. None of those prescriptions are active and they were only taken for a short time after surgery. Had any of the other pharmacies taken the time to ask me I would have been more than happy to answer their questions but instead because I have adhd and happened to suffer injuries at work I was automatically judged and treated like a drug seeker/abuser. And since the database tracks all the controlled substance anyone looking at my history can clearly see that I haven’t filled any scripts for pain medication since June. I have no problem with the fact that the pharmacist questioned me about those previous prescriptions. They do have to do their due diligence to deter diversion of controlled substance medications all i would have expected from my other encounters at the previous pharmacies was to treat me with respect and 1- give me an opportunity to address their concerns if any AND 2- call the prescribing physician if they feel the medication dose is inappropriate and let the prescriber explain her reasoning for medical necessity. And sooooo thank you Steve for the advice. I received my prescription ( I did have to pay more because I have to pay out of pocket due to insurance refusing to cover) it but I’m willing to do it because it’s going to a pharmacy that actually gives a crap and respects their potential customers. After I paid for my prescription I inquired about transferring my other two scripts at Walgreens that are filled at Walgreens every month. I will never again give any of my prescription business to Walgreens or CVS. I’m in the process of transferring all of my family’s monthly prescriptions to my local independent pharmacy. Long story short USE A LOCAL PRIVATE OWNED PHARMACY

  2. This is like a mirror encounter I had with CVS. I am on both oxycontin and oxycodone for a nerve disorder I have. It has been called the “suicide disease” by the medical community because it is one of the most painful conditions known. People have taken their lives because of this pain. Hence, the “suicide disease”. I have been on the same dose and strength for close to four years with no reactions. It has been the only way to control this horrible pain that has actually made me consider taking my life. From the the time I have been on this medication, I have been able to gain control of my life for not only myself but for my family as well. The last time my doctor submitted one of my scripts to CVS as they always have, I received a troubling call from the pharmacist. He is the new pharmaceutical manager. I explained my disorder and the fact that this has been helping me without any problems for the past four years. I informed him that I have been to multiple states to see different specialist and they all came to the same conclusion. Try to keep me comfortable because we are out of other treatment options. He said he will not be “part of this” and refused to fill my script. He wanted a letter from the doctor stating that we are going to lower my scripts to what is closed to the CDC recommendations. I was able to find a place to fill them but I am lucky. How can a pharmacist overrule a doctors treatment?? I am constantly living in terror that one day my medication is going to be banned and I will be left with nothing that helps the pain.

  3. Your first mistake was taking your script to CVS they will lie and do
    Anything they can to stop you from getting your pain medication. If you
    Still haven’t been able to get your script filled bring it back to your doctor,but first make a photo copy of it to send to a lawyer. Than have
    Your doctor give you a new script & take it to Walmarts or Walgreens.
    Good Luck

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