My body… my choice ….

This post is not about anything in particular… but… how many within our population keeping “circling around” with same/similar phrases. This week Texas passed a new abortion law trying to get around the Supreme Court ruling back in 1973. Of course, this ruling has been a hot button issue for many and I started hearing “MY BODY… MY CHOICE…” being thrown about…

Then we have had for the past nearly one year … anti-vaxers… “circling the wagons” around the same or similar sayings because they did not want  to be vaccination…  The Fed/State bureaucracies did not have the legal authority to mandate the US Citizens to get a vaccination that only had EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) from the FDA… it has been stated that the Feds/state bureaucracies was counting on the business and academia communities to force the mandate to get the vaccination… there is some 25 states with “right to work laws”… meaning that employers can fire any employee for just about any reason… just plain nebulous or NO REASON AT ALL.

It would seem that most of the business and academia communities did not really have the “balls” to mandate that their employees get vaccination with something that did not have the full FDA approval. Congress had indemnified just about every entity that was involved in getting these vaccines to market.

I am not an attorney, but I think that most businesses and academia were concerned the potential legal consequences of mandating employees to get vaccinations … or get fired… what if a certain percentage of employees have adverse reactions … maybe some of them serious … maybe even fatal…  corporations and academia – all with “deep pockets”

The Feds ordered maybe close to a TRILLION DOSES of vaccination from four different companies,  Pfizer, Moderna, J&J/Jansen, & AstraZeneca… Once Pfizer got “full FDA approval ” all those corporations and academia have started mandating vaccinations or COVID-19 testing every week or some variation.  Moderna & J&J/Jansen still only have EUA and Astra Zeneca version still does not have even a EUA approval.

If so many parts of our society has out there DEMANDING MY BODY… MY CHOICE and the chronic pain community has not joined in on this… and the same thing for those people who have substance abuse issues…  have not done the same.  After all, most of the medications that those two communities needs to help manage their health issues is under the authority of the FDA.

Should the entity who has been ruling over all of these people who are dealing with a number health issues and dominating and adversely affecting all these people’s quality of life (QOL) be declared as a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION our country has eliminated/killed other terrorists ?




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