More money for us…

CVS adds to Pharmacy Advisor program


From the Article:

Under the condition-based program, pharmacists are alerted when patients don’t follow their medication regimens or have a gap in care, enabling the pharmacist to intervene with patients and communicate with their doctors in real time.

Pharmacists play an important role in the coordination of care for individuals living with chronic conditions and understand how critical medication adherence is in supporting their patients.

CVS noted that by fostering pharmacist interventions, Pharmacy Advisor increases patient engagement and, in turn, reins in medical costs because of improved compliance with medications

addresses the important systemic challenges of health care costs related to medication non-adherence

our ability to support even more patients on their path to better health, while reducing the burden of cost associated with medication non-adherence for patients with these conditions.”

How many times can one elude to in one small article.. WE GET TO FILL MORE PRESCRIPTIONS AND MAKE MORE PROFIT  while pretending to care about pts?

This must be part of their new WE CARE (about our profits) PROGRAM !

5 Responses

  1. boilerrph87.. Where I work, drug not covered…patients problem. Insurance requiring a PA….patients problem. I don’t know if Wal-Mart has a policy about this or not, and I really don’t care. Like Elvis, I am ‘doing it my way’. 🙂

  2. And not just insurance cards, it’s apparently now my job to call the insurance company and find out what drug is covered when I tell the patient of the denial because it’s non formulary or prior auth required…not only does the patient tell me that’s my job, but lately the doctor’s office too…ATTN Patients and Docs…it’s NOT MY INSURANCE, it’s the patients and it’s THEIR responsibility to figure out their coverage. I refuse to be the nanny when it comes to compliance or insurance.

  3. Steve, I had already read that crap you posted about CVS. Just like you, I was thinking the same thing. They are about as interested in making customers compliant as I am in jumping out of an airplane. It is MONEY…MONEY..MONEY! That is all these greedy bastards understand. And, it is more work for pharmacists and techs. I really don’t see how CVS pharmacists and techs can do all these crap that CVS is throwing at them. If they do, then they will not have time to fill prescriptions. Or, they will have to drive away a lot of customers so they can have less prescriptions to fill. And, as boilerrph87 says, are CVS pharmacists going to call patients every day to make sure they are taking their meds? At what point do you separate yourself from being a professional pharmacist or a ‘nanny’? For one, after a lot of years in pharmacy, I am sick and tired of being ‘nannies’ to customers. Take the welfare mother with the illegitimate kid and she comes into the pharmacy without bringing the medicaid card for the kid. Is it my responsibility to phone somewhere to see if I can get the number? This year my sympathy level for people without an insurance card is zero! No card…pay cash..or get the hell out of the pharmacy. I am sick and tired of being a ‘nanny’ for stupid people. And, that is exactly what you will become if you are not careful. All this ‘helping’ people often creates ‘dependents’. They don’t bring their card this year and you call and spend 30 minutes on the phone trying to get the information you need…then, guess what, next year rolls around and they are expecting you to do the same thing. A few days ago a guy came to the pharmacy…only had a letter from the insurance company. He expected the tech to phone the company and get the necessary info. I tried to discourage the tech from calling. but she tried. She spent 30 minutes on the phone with the insurance company and could not get the information we needed. The guy calls back while she is on the phone and the other tech tells him that she is on the phone with the insurance company. And, by the way, his insurance card is on his desk! The next day he comes to the pharmacy to pick up his meds. We told him we needed his insurance card because the tech spent 30 minutes on the phone trying to get the info and could not get it. Well, he was mad. He said he left his phone number on the corner of that paper for the tech to call him if she had trouble. Did he bring his insurance card? You take a wild guess! So, away he goes without his meds. How stupid can you get? He had the insurance card all along but never brought it to the pharmacy. These are the type of stupid things we deal with on a daily basis, and then we have these idiot corporations breathing down our necks over some stupid metric. I think all these corporate idiots should have to work one day every week in the pharmacy. This should be a federal law! If they don’t do it, then they go to jail. How about that one????

  4. BRIEF-CVS Caremark CEO says net new business wins for 2013 stand at about $400 million:

    I’m just sayin’ ….

  5. I can see the metrics now….they’re going to have the techs call patients every morning to ‘make sure they took their meds and if they didn’t we’re going to call your doctor and tell on you” Some patients no matter how much “intervention/counseling’ is done are not going to be compliant by their own choice. So are they going to force feed the meds to them? My late former father in law was a Type 2 diabetic on insulin and a heavy smoker, hugely non compliant, even after double below the knee amputations and quadruple bypass. I’m sure their metric goal will be 100%

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