Listen in/participate in live radio show Friday 8:30 AM about Protection of American Medicine Act

Phone line 404-726-1380 for show


There has been a committee of a few pain advocates that have been working for several months on a proposed federal bill to help the chronic pain community regain their QOL with better pain management.

Some of those of us who were on that committee will be on at 8:30 AM EDT on Friday 06/14/2024 for a 30-minute discussion of what is involved in the Protection of American Medicine (AKA the PAM Act)

There will be a “call-in line”, I don’t have the number as of this post yet.

3 Responses

  1. ok,,been out sick,,,should i be calling johnson office ,again,,Steve,,,or
    what??please update on this,,,thanks,,,maryw

  2. Who is on the committee?

    • The four on Friday’s show were on the committee. The committee consisted of ~ 12 members – and was originally organized by Angela Greene who is an employee of the radio station and members of the committee was by invitation. The committee’s goal was to create a federal bill that would attempt to “level the playing field” for chronic pain pts getting appropriate pain management. The committee was lead to believe that Senator Raphael Warnock would help to get the bill introduced to the appropriate committee. In the end, Raphael Warnock’s staff informed the committee that he was not a member of the correct committee. The bill was a “generic bill”, there are 99 other Senators. Obviously there is a need to find another Senator to sponsor the bill.

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