Kolodny: black patients less likely to be prescribed narcotics, less likely to become addicted – RACISM ?

An ‘Overprescription of Opioids’ That Led to a Crisis


In 2016, 64,000 people died from drug overdoses in the U.S., most of them due to opioids. That’s more than the number of Americans killed in the wars in Vietnam and Iraq combined.

Three factors led to those numbers, Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a part of the National Institutes of Health, said at the Aspen Ideas Festival, which is cohosted by The Aspen Institute and The Atlantic. First, the epidemic was started by a healthcare system that sought to minimize pain and suffering. Physicians were taught that those with pain wouldn’t get addicted to pain medication, she said.  “Unfortunately, those beliefs were completely wrong,” she said. What it resulted in was “an overprescription of opioids,” Volkow said.

Second, Volkow said, this overprescription coincided with a massive flood of heroin in the 2000s from Mexico. Deaths from heroin overdoses had been consistent for years—about 2,000 people died of overdoses from the drug each year, but in 2016 that number spiked to 15,000.

Thirdly, she said, heroin began to be laced by drug dealers with synthetic opioids, which are not only relatively easy to produce, but also stronger than heroin. Fentanyl, for example, is 50 times more potent than heroin. Carfentanil, another synthetic opioid, is 500 times more potent than heroin. Both synthetic opioids are pain relievers, but are also sold illegally as drugs. They are so powerful, Volkow said, that they get into the brain quickly. First responders are often unable to save those who have overdosed.

But what is it that made America so vulnerable to the proliferation of illicit opioids? One factor is the gradual decline of economic power in parts of the country that were once the lifeblood of the economy. “We need to recognize the social [factor] of the opioid crisis,” Volkow said.

Indeed, 2 million Americans are believed to be addicted to prescription or illicit opioids. The Trump administration has made tackling the crisis a centerpiece of its domestic policy agenda, designating it as a national health emergency. Many of the most-affected areas, which are also some of the most impoverished places, voted heavily for Trump in 2016. These areas tend to be rural, poor, and overwhelmingly white, which brings up another aspect of the opioid crisis: It has disproportionately affected white Americans.

Dr. Andrew Kolodny, co-director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative at Brandeis University, told NPR last year that one reason for this is unconscious bias on the part of doctors who prescribe painkillers.

“Something that we do know is that doctors prescribe narcotics more cautiously to their non-white patients. It would seem that if the patient is black, the doctor is more concerned about the patient becoming addicted, or maybe they’re more concerned about the patient selling their pills, or maybe they are less concerned about pain in that population,” Kolodny said. “But the black patient is less likely to be prescribed narcotics, and therefore less likely to wind up becoming addicted to the medication. So what I believe is happening is that racial stereotyping is having a protective effect on non-white populations.”

6 Responses

  1. How Kolodny Klown spread so much idiocy, ignorance and misery to millions of us is mind boggling. When is someone gonna stuff a sock in that yap?
    I am without pain meds AND my benzo for spasticity since Xmas.
    My BP, RA and MS have flared worse than ever. The pain pushed me into afib, rushed to ER and 3 days ICU. Did they give me pain meds? Hell no!

    This must stop. Suicide beckons to many. I vowed to my daughter I would not, but….

    His racism is stunning as well.

  2. When is he going to understand that he is wrong? Wait, that’s right, he’s a sociopath…

  3. Kolodyn is a psychopathic liar,,proof of this is all the suicide by his lieful mouth.Never has he been in the field as a painmngmnt doctor,,,ever,,,Yet he thinks he has the right to decide for all America who gets tortured to death,,just like hitler did on the jews..Torture to death by forced physical pain via denial of access to effective dosage of effective medicine,,is the very definition of torture,,Anyone who believes this inhumane species klondyn,,is right up there w/the hitlers,,the 10 psychiatrist who created thee worse human torture experiments in America,,From lobotomies to 8 point restraints,,,Its way past time,,the this thing get a orange jumpsuit,and a 4 by 4 cell in prison for torture,genocide,abuse of power,abuse of authority,collusion ,racketeering as a former government employee for profit,,which is called corruption..Also all the lieful data,propaganda he has stated.Along w/all the bigotry, prejudicial , comments about all who use a lawful medicine as prescribed by there lawful doctors.If I was a doctor of medicine,,I’d be looking for the man who put me in prison and took my life away,,which would be Andrew klodyn and his buddies at the dea,,jmo,,maryw

  4. Several years ago I read an article. The article dealt with disparities in prescribing opiates. The article said non whites were not prescribed opiates at the same rate whites were. The reasons were non whites were more prone to become addicted or divert the opiates than non whites.

  5. I keep thinking someone is going to step in with some common sense and this administration proved me wrong every time

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