Just hang in there and wait for the grim reaper ?

Sitting alone depressed sad

Warning: “Hanging in there” is destroying your health


Sucking it up is highly overrated.

We operate in a society where it seems as if there is some secret committee that hands out awards for people who work through any sickness, embrace sleep deprevation or race through the work day without eating. It took me over 36 years to be able to admit to myself that no one was going to give me a gold star for constantly pushing myself forward.

I started asking others why they felt compelled to soldier on, and there seemed to be a few common themes: parents’ expectations growing up, needing to prove oneself and fear of rejection or loss. Regardless of the cause, most people who struggle with easing up on themselves also wrestle with admitting weakness. Fair enough.

When I look back on the years that I refused to admit weakness of any kind, I don’t think anyone could have convinced me to ease up. There were no magic words that would have made me pause and make some drastic changes.

The only reason I finally changed my pace was a health issue that brought me to a grinding halt.  Doctor-ordered time off of work followed and I started to learn the first of a series of very hard lessons. I have several friends and acquaintances who have undergone a similar experience, where they were completely fine—until they were suddenly not. If we could see the brick wall we were about to collide with, we would have stopped.

The problem is that no one sees it coming.

Why we end up paying with our health

When we are constantly functioning with high stress levels, our body stays in “fight or flight” mode.  According to the Mayo Clinic, when your body perceives a threat, adrenaline kicks in to increase heart rate, blood pressure and energy supplies. This also causes cortisol, the main stress hormone, to increase blood sugar and slow down nonessential functions (digestive and reproductive systems). This ends up disrupting almost all of the body’s normal processes, including the areas of your brain that control mood.

It’s no wonder that we suddenly start to experience major problems with our health. At first, the adrenaline and cortisol are giving us the boost we need to deal with high stress levels. But when high levels of these chemicals are sustained in our bodies for too long, things start breaking down.

Heart disease, digestive problems, and sleep disorders are the more familiar health issues, but there are a few that can be difficult to detect.

Nobody wants to talk about mental illness

There are so many people silently struggling with anxiety or depression. Bell’s Let’s Talk campaign references that mental illness is the leading cause of workplace disability and represents 15 per cent of Canada’s burden of disease.

When we start using the term “brain disorder,” as many research institutes do, it becomes easier to link the imbalance of long-term exposure to stress hormones and mental illness. Brain chemistry is disrupted and your ability to self-regulate your mood can be permanently altered.

There are several challenges with identifying anxiety or depression. First, there is a stigma associated with both of these diagnoses. Secondly, the symptoms can be extremely vague and will vary greatly between individuals.

I have talked with busy professionals in their 30s and 40s who were diagnosed with anxiety or depression and many of them indicated that the main symptom was that they had completely lost their mental buffer. They interpreted every curveball life threw at them as a major crisis, and only after starting holistic treatment did they realize they had not been able to cope with everyday life.

If you suspect that you might be struggling with anxiety or depression, Here to Help has an online screening tool that can be helpful to take at home and print out your results for an upcoming doctor appointment.

Adrenal fatigue is a real thing

I recently learned what adrenal glands actually are, thanks to Dr. Aviva Romm. In a recent blog post, Dr. Romm explains that the adrenal glands function like “the shock absorbers for our system,” helping us rebound from life’s stressors by controlling our stress response system. They sit right above your kidneys and are actually the “primary survival organs” of our body.

Once we have experienced unrelenting stress and adrenal fatigue has kicked in, our immune system plummets, we feel exhausted, we can’t regulate our moods and we start gaining weight because of carb or salt cravings.

Women particularly experience hormonal imbalance and unstable blood sugar levels.

If you think you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue, check out Dr. Romm’s blog post, “10 Signs that Your Adrenals are on Overdrive.”

Chronic inflammation flies under the radar

Inflammation is our body’s healthy response to injury or infection. However, experts such as Dr. Andrew Weil, tell us that too much stress (as well as diet and other lifestyle factors) can contribute to chronic low-level whole-body inflammation. This type of inflammation can lead to heart disease, several types of cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer’s. If you have a genetic predisposition to any of these diseases, the health risks of chronic inflammation drastically increases.

The problem with chronic inflammation is that it is almost imperceptible until it triggers a disease. So we get tricked into thinking that our lifestyle isn’t catching up with us.

Avoid learning the hard way

This isn’t going to happen overnight. But you do have a few choices.

First, you can decide that your physical health is a precious commodity that cannot be taken for granted. Ask anyone who has ever faced a life-threatening diagnosis. Your priorities shift pretty quickly when you realize your body may not rebound. If you are committed to protecting your physical health, you can start taking small steps to make sure that you are getting the rest, fuel and exercise that your body needs to fight off stress.

Second, you can assess the major stressors in your life. There is always a choice. Dr. Brené Brown inspired my personal motto, “What is the bravest thing you can do?”

When you have figured out what your major stressors are, ask yourself what is the bravest thing you can do with regard to this issue or person? Then do it.

Finally, figure out what type of support you need to start easing up on yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything radical. Maybe it’s just reading a book that will help you shift your perspective (I would highly recommend The Gifts of Imperfection by Dr. Brené Brown). Maybe it’s a friend, maybe it’s a class, maybe it’s working with a therapist. However you choose to address this, it’s important to deal with the underlying compulsion to push forward at all costs.

Next time a healthcare worker (prescriber, pharmacists, etc) , your employer or co-worker tells you to “suck it up”..  Are they really telling you that you are not worth their trouble to help you ?

One Response

  1. A bartender, a cocktail waitress, that has to go to school to get certified to sell alcohol, but the law changes every two years??? For example if a drunk walks in your establishment and you do not get him out in fifteen minutes, and he goes out and kills somebody you are held accountable?? It’s a moral dilemma and I feel really sorry for pharmacists and service workers!!!! Been there. May I mention a single mother who’s son made it to school and baseball everyday with no help from family….no child support…totaling two cars in three year period. Is this the same person telling me to suck it up??? Anonymous Mom who gets restraining orders against her daughters that can’t work to maintain her lifestyle because they got a chronic illness diagnosis??? Its okay you have your drunk son bringing in and you are embezzling from your 83 yr. old mother I just got internet I have been up in the mountains trying to maintain my sanity, a sixty year old cabin, and a relationship….so don’t flatter yourself dh….health is last. Family is last. The last great decade was the nineties…when vicodin use alone went up three hundred percent??? So it goes like this, the economy fails, Government (a corp.) Taking down the drug cartel, (need revenue?) See where I am going with this?? Pushes pill mills and gives kickbacks to regular Dr.s for the more meds they can prescribe. then in two years DEA is regulating…Dr.s are pissed at DEA with disgruntled SICK patients. In another two years, they are SICKER…DEA yanking licenses of reputable old Dr.s scaring their colleagues and yes the pharmacists. Much like the alcohol salesman to the bartender to the waitress…and so on so on… come get me grim reaper. I would rather be dead than live in a society with chronic pain, which leads to depression, have prayed for God to take me, get out of this hateful world. When family and the people are expendable…not just the employees.Genocide n Greed are here and for a long time, seen the cash cows trying to cash in big time and continue to. When I say we should rally against the Dr.s, the DEA and the pharmacies. My Dr. misdiagnosed me for over eight years, his colleagues in office helped diagnose me in two visits??? Please advise and go fight for my life? I take appx. 13 scripts a month including Chemo for ra, lupus. Yes these pills kill…More deaths to prescriptions than car accidents, and all street drugs. I would like to see an intervention on the so called professionals in court before renal failure, or possibly new kidneys. For my college aged son, and two other people that have supported me through all of this, who can flee this country. His father just died of liver failure at 57. I have lost more friends, loved ones, in the past five years than I have in twenty years. True story and no not all to prescriptions, probably SICK of how this country has gone down, ironically funny, Michelle is telling us to eat corn and Obama is signing the bills to eat more pills, than eat less.. to mandate the economy. It’s all about money people not US. The pharmacist getting robbed reminds me of a bartender who shoots a robber, the last idiot selling last legal drug?? Yes, I have been called that. We are all just trying to survive and provide. Anymore just survive…Oh and Happy Birthday Nana how’s your other daughter, still in homeless shelter???? Shame on you!! Wow like Mother like daughter and yes you are right, dh’s kids would be better off dead. The pure evil I never thought I would never see. Dear God please have mercy on these greedy, selfish people..I would be dead before I ever see my son in a homeless shelter for telling me to shut up because he was being “bullied” by own family!! Or for having a chronic illness been there done that. We are the sheep of the family. They are the wolves. V sorry you lost your own family, I warned you………………….Shame on you!!! Blood is on all your hands!!! My kidneys are failing. Went to this site after Walgreens doublefilled and screwed my scripts all up. The “gold star pharmacist” who has treated me like and better than own family, fixed it??? He’s doing his job and yes, the 65 year old pharmacist supposedly retired, I am guessing with a great severance package.. Enough is enough…I am taking action from so many reactions…Thank you Steve and good luck to you. JUST HANG IN THERE FOLKS! or fools. poopcorn fed USA. Believe anything they tell us??? No way not anymore have heard it all, been through it all……GREED…GOD REST EVERY EVIL DOER…I just made that up maybe. Sorry for the run on sentences! Take care, got to get up and build fire and gather wood for snowstorm coming. Stay warm or eat first… Hmmm, how is life on Easy street??? Lunch at Placita or wherever the Queen B, the cash cow wants to go. I would rather staple my hand to this desk then see you two much like V. Homeless shelter is better than living or being “bullied” by you!m

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