ISIS American style ?

The man, who did not give his name and hid his face from BBC’s reporters for fear of himself or his family–still in Syria–being killed, explained the ISIS philosophy simply: “If you’re against me, then you’ll be killed. If you’re with me, you work with me. You submit to my will and obey me, under my power in all matters.

Increasingly my inbox is like a BOX OF CHOCOLATE  you just never know what is going to show up …

It now appears that CVS HEALTH is changing their contract with Pharmacies .. that if the pharmacies don’t stop selling tobacco products.. they will “fine” the pharmacy’s patients FIFTEEN DOLLARS ADDITIONAL CO PAY ON EACH RX FILLED. Which will put a major dent in a Pharmacy’s profits.. if they can even stay afloat.

There has been a lot of talks about  Islamic State, formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)  lately in the news.. especially after they have BEHEADED three innocent civilians and posted the beheading on What has been stated about ISIS’ philosophy is “convert to ISLAM or DIE ” !

Seems like CVS HEALTH has developed a similar philosophy … “convert to our philosophy or we will KILL YOUR BUSINESS ”

IMO.. whoever thought this up has loss all their marbles

Or has a lot of these …balls

12 Responses

  1. Actually it has to do with state of mind… do and behave as we say or else, that is how I interpreted the postng. It has to do, with bullying and extreme thinking

  2. Ok, it’s a little ridiculous to compare this to the brutal mass murdering of thousands of innocent men, women, children, and babies…. Come on, really?? There is no comparison here. What you’re saying is offensive and ignorant.

  3. Still doesnt mention if you buy at a store that sells tobacco it costs more in co pay. Those that dont smoke but shop there- discrimination. Besides, it’·s really none of their busness what a person does in their private life. Are they going to charge higher co pays for people who speed, drink, eat fast food next…I still say nanny drugstore,,,, im sure this will be going thru the courts real soon if it is true. NY courts told Bloomberg and his successor to go blow on their ban the sale of large drink sizes.

  4. Hi I am trying to find out how to get involved with the class action lawsuit walgreens must be held accountable for what they call collateral damage I am a chronic pain patient with incurable illness and my pain meds helped me to have somewhat of a life well that is ovrr because I don’t meet their good faith policy their is much more to my story but it is difficult for me to even text more because of my pain if you can help I would be gtateful walgreens needs to be held accountable for the collateral damage they have caused.


    The underwriters for the insurance plans probably wrote those plans out months ago with the understanding that all stores would be smoke free by the time enrollment started.

  6. Ssshocked….cut the PC… no offense here and no PC with me, it’s plain as the nose on your face CVS is bullying they’re way into your life like a nanny drugstore. Reported this AM, fhey aere considering removing all surgary drinks Nd ahat tney deemed as unheathly snacks. Funny, dont see them ruuning to dump the liquor licenses or pull the nicotine products for smoking cessation off tne shelf. I know people who dont smoke, but have swicthed to those instead to gsf tnekr nicotine adding an addition 15 .00 copay IMO is illega.

  7. Seriously?!?! Comparing to ISIS?!? I’m no fan of huge corporate monopolies or big government but this comparison is both ridiculous and offensive.

  8. Between the generic header on the cvs “communique” and the grammatical errors in both the cvs letter and the accompanying article, I put no stock in either.

    • I think you mean CVS, I truly enjoy exposing people who think that they are intelligent, as the incompetent frauds, they generally are.P.S. no one cares about your lack of an investment portfolio either.

  9. I love it. I own an independent pharmacy and I am locked out of so many contracts and have lost so much business due to mandatory mail order I’m elated that the evil empires are cannibalizing each other. I don’t sell tobacco so this means more money in my pocket. Thanks!

  10. I wonder how many pay and aren’t told why .

  11. Honestly like all the other ‘policy’ changes’ I bet this is illegal…anyone have an attorney look at it yet?????

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