Is this how the CDC opiate guidelines are causing many pts to be living in a torturous level of pain ?

Thank you! Thank you! Brenda Sharp so much for sharing your pain with us and for spreading awareness for Trigeminal Neuralgia and Facial Pain Disorders! This is the first video that I’m uploading across social media sites as well as domestic and international media channels that will allow uploads. Thank you for helping me to step out of the box with awareness in a different avenue by exploring awareness through videos. For starters, it’s on Instagram, Youtube, GooglePlus, Twitter and TNnME! Thank you!

4 Responses

  1. I also have type 2 of this horrible disease known as Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. Yes it is known as the suicide disease. It seams the more rare the disease, the less attention the patients pain relief is needed.To say that this pain is any less than cancer pain or end of life pain is ridiculous or people wouldn’t be “ending” their” life. My pain is like my gums have ALL been completely sliced open, then after chewing on barbwire I swish with battery acid. I am not exaggerating. I cannot count the times I have gone into the emergency room only to have them tell me to my face I am a drug seeker and if “people like me” would do what the do what the doctors say I wouldn’t be in pain. I could go on and on about my unfair treatment and the things I have been mislabeled as on my medical record just because I could not take it and had to get help or I would not be here today. I pray for all of you. Cigna just sent me a letter saying they think my pain meds are too high and need to get me in the CDC guidelines. So it begins.

  2. I couldn’t tell much from this video except you knew she was in pain and crying. I just didn’t get much about the condition itself, but I know our dear friend ( RedRLawhern) wife and daughter suffer from it. I will have to googGo it, I guess.

    I’m so, so sorry Brenda! Your condition and mine (CRPS) are called the SUICIDE disorder, and are the highest rated pain on the McGill Pain Scale. I was switched to Mylan Fentanyl patches after being on the WATSON gel for 19 years. They are discontinued, and this month on Mylan have been a living hell for me with pain so agonizing I didn’t think I could go on.

    I just discovered that the 75 mcg Mylan patch only has 1/2 of the Fentanyl content of other Patches and I was on 150 mcg, but after being on Mylan my doctor had to increase my dose to 225 mcg in order for me to get relief! Now that I just found out the difference in Fentanyl content, I will have to try another adhesive because no one is making the gel anymore. Again, all because the addicts are taking the tell, boiling it so they can short it all at once!

    You have my greatest empathy and sympathy for what you are going through!

    • Jan;
      you have my deepest sympathies. I went thru a couple different brands of fentanyl patches around ’06-’08, & had to use tape to keep the frigging things on –turned out masking tape kept them on the best but left raw spots which felt just like burns on my skin. That & the fact that the patches had about a 15% failure rate made me VERY eager to get off the things –I’d be thrown into withdrawal within 8-10 hours of putting on a new patch & have to rip off the new, useless one & replace it with one from a different lot. At the time, the pharmacy was real good about allowing me to bring in all the unopened patches from the defective lot & trading them for others, but I’m guessing they wouldn’t do that now even when the useless patches were clearly unopened.

      Best wishes,

  3. ditto,,,,,this is what happens when people start thinking they have the right to decide how much FORCED physical pain another human is to FORCIBLE endure,,,Why is it no-one want to admit this fact?When the government denies anyone the access to effective medical care to effectively lessen physical pain,,they have now decided,how much FORCED physical pain another living breathing entity is to forcible endure,ie TORTURE!!U can put lipstick all over a Pigs face,,,in the real world,,it is still a Pig,,All these upidity’s,government agencey employees can call it ,”guidelines,or ,”lawful sanctions,”,or only certain conditions get effective physical pain relief, the bottom line,is as seen in the video,,u r still forcing another human to forcible endure physical pain,when u have the means to stop it,,ie TORTURE,,Geez will these people ever evolve into forward progressive intelligent contributors to the human race,,or just continue this barbaic,archaic use of their minds to willfully harm another human over thee age OLD prejudice of the past,,ie 1880 Pennhurst mentality,,,maryw

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