
/dis·ease/ (dĭ-zēz´) any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of any body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown.

Pain is NOT CONTAGIOUS … Pain is typically part of a disease state within the “symptoms and signs” of the underlying cause of the pain. What a lot of people forget – including healthcare providers – that what medical science knows/understands about the human body is DWARFED by what it DOES NOT UNDERSTAND.

Thus there are untold number of conditions that result in a person having to deal with chronic pain that medical science has yet the knowledge in how to cure… the only thing that they have in their “tool kit” is something to attempt to treat/manage the symptoms and signs. Fortunately chronic back pain can easily be treated just following MarketWatch guidance.

Pain can impact a person in both physical and mental.  Pain is normally accompanied with some degree of depression and anxiety.  For those who have never found themselves in that “deep hole” of a serious depression, will not have a clue as of the mental pain associated with being there.  There is no explaining it to someone who hasn’t been there… it is futile ! 

People can be inflicted with “mental pain” without having physical pain… either an imbalance of the three major brain chemicals, defects in the brain structure itself or external stimuli or “triggers” that the body responds with a mental instability.  Some refer to these mental issues as a person having “demons in the head” and/or “monkeys on their back”. They can be a constant (painful) mental torment to the person.

These mental issues when combined with certain economic or living environmental issues… a person can be convinced by others around them to try some substance to attempt to silence those demons/monkeys.  They may first experiment with alcohol, marijuana or some other legal/illegal substance.  “Addiction” can happen rather rapidly… because the person “likes how it makes them feel”… the demons and monkeys are silenced 🙂

What is commonly referred to as a “high” could perhaps be just a period of “mental solitude” from their mental tormentors ?

Are subjective diseases… (pain, depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, mental health) really diseases or just signs/symptoms of a underlying physical/mental issues… either structurally or chemical defects ?  There is no diagnostic test that can measure the impact or intensity they have on the person.

Should we just try to minimize such a person’s mental/physical pain and optimize their quality of life and ability to function ?


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