I’m not comfortable… PART FOUR

sweatingsorry I could not get the video to directly display on this post…but.. it should play when you click on the link..   VIDEO

Here is a video of a doctor… talking to a Pharmacist in a grocery store pharmacy.. I have seen this pt’s PMP report.. like clock work every 30+ days has been getting this medication.

Prescribed dose is – IMO – not all that high … up to 60 mg Morphine Equivalent over 24 hrs as needed…

I wonder how “comfortable” the pt will feel as he/she goes into full blown WITHDRAWAL?

I wonder what this Pharmacist would say if he ever got a patient that needed U-500 Insulin.. and had to dose over 100 units at a time  maybe even more than once a day ?  Someone mis-read the syringe and the pt could DIE !

11 Responses

  1. Simple math.180/30 tablets=6 per day. 1 tablets every 4 hrs. That is the directions on most hydrocodone tablets. From the pharmacists reaction one would think it was written for 480 not 180. APAP? 6 x 325 mg=1950 mg APAP so no danger here either. Ridiculous.

  2. Many think you are dependent if you take habit forming drugs, period.

    • Dependent does not equal addiction…..go back and re read you pharmacology texts. And then read about under treated pain and pseudoaddiction behaviors.

  3. I wonder how many tablets this pharmacist would have been comfortable filling 30.
    180 hydrocodone is for the entire month , not that many .And don’t forget we now have Zohydro without the acetaminophen that was suppose to be this terrible new pain medication without a deterrent that was going to cause a sweeping addiction across the Nation to all people that took opioids for chronic pain, even worse than OxyContin. Till this day I have not heard of any problems with Zohydro ,so certain people like Senator Joe Manchin freaked out for nothing, big bunch of idiots. You see why you cant imagine what may happen , all that crap about Zohydro was for nothing. All acts performed in the world begin in the imagination.

  4. I see where the FL referendum on medical marijuana failed to pass. It needed 60% and received 58%. What happened ro simple majority? How unfortunate

    • The good ole boys in fl .. If the deck can be stacked in their favor it will be done. In this amendment there was a requirement that only those who had been farming in Florida for at least 30 yrs .. No experience in growing mmj necessary. Rick scott got reelected of course he headed HCA when it was convicted of huge amount of Medicare – Medicaid fraud.. And AG Pam “fills the jails” Bondi got reelected as well. In Panama City beach/ Bay county there is still a lot of dirt roads.. One of the county commissioners was on tv a couple of weeks ago.. Saying that they needed money to fix these roads and he said that they wanted a local sales tax “SO THAT THE VISITORS CAN HELP PAY FOR THE ROAD REPAIRS. These roads are out in the county that the tourist don’t normally use.
      There is 3 levels of taxes in Florida .. One level for the locals.. One level for the tourists and a third for people who own property in Florida but live in another state and can’t vote in the local/state elections. Guess who gets hosed the most ?

  5. Unfortunately, These issues will most likely keep happening until enough people get together and speak up, there is a lot of fear involved in doing this because your pain/disability is being held over you. ( if you do speak up they will come down on you and once you cannot function because of pain, then they have shut you up) Speak up not only for yourself but for your doctor, and all other pain patients, speak up for your pharmacist who treats you like a human being who has a medical issue. Id like to add make sure you vote!! Go see your state and Federal reps, know who they are, know your rights Keep up with the latest news on these issues.

  6. Geez…yes what is his comfort level?? I’ve done 180 and an occaisional 240, always with a couseling of NO OTC tylenol and make sure your MD is checking your liver labs. We ran into problems in IN 2009 when MEDICAID decided it would no longer pay for hydrocodone combos where acetamacetamInophen exceeded more than 3 grams/day a reduction from 4 grams. We had a few patients run into trouble, medicaid would not grant oveeride, talk about playing doctor!

  7. I am appalled too. This is the fourth pharmacy in a few days to say this same excuse. I can’t wait.. and say CAN’T wait.. because when this thing explodes? It’s going to be BIG! We need to keep these coming as many as possible! The pharmacy guide lines to be changed and make it illegal to NOT fill these prescriptions.

    ** Seriously** This has to be life threatening to many people!! From withdraws or suicides??

    I bet the Angry pharmacies may be laughing right now but soon.. I hope SOON the pharmacies are crying! Slap a big fat A$$ class Action Law suit on the Board of Pharmacy?

  8. That is what this administration is known for being blameless and brainless.. Remember DEA is part of DOJ and you know who heads DOJ.. currently under contempt of Congress. IMO.. his view of what is discrimination is fairly narrow or myopic

  9. This is appalling. I am shocked how suddenly the “rules” have changed, with NO ONE accountable for such a change.

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